General Discussion

General DiscussionMmr difference too great.

Mmr difference too great. in General Discussion

    Stacking with my cousin we've breached the 4k bracket however ever since we did I've noticed an alarming amount of matches where mmr difference is like 200+ meaning like -40 or +15 this is rather dumb truthfully is there a way to back out without penalty before the draft begins? Jdf8 mentioned what he does a few months back but I don't recall..


      few months back we didn't have the screen where we'd buy our items pre-start of the game starting, strategy time? or whatever you wanna call it makes it so everyone has to connect successfully to the game server, this would be the 10-20 seconds that occasionally someone would have to connect before game fails and it searches for a new one. i don't even know if it's 10-20 but it's very short, that's the time span you have now to decide to pull out without penalty GIVEN THAT all 10 have not connected
      so as soon as you'd load into that screen, if you have a VERY VERY fast comp+net, you'd realise that you connect and usually wait for others to connect in a matter of seconds. well those matter of seconds is the time you have to decide to back out or not cause as long as all 10 have not connected to game server, game never started therefore no penalty.

      back then when there wasn't the strategy screen it'd be like.. a good minute or two that'd count down after all 10 players connecting, that's when you could just back out with no penalty besides a 5min cooldown wait to search

      i think that's what you're asking


        Thanks I wasn't sure so I wanted to confirm but to verify I understand correctly usually when I load it takes around 10 seconds for 1 or 2 last people to connect during that time I simply disconnect and abandon and receive no penalty?


          thats what it is yeah. the way jdf8 did it was get in take a screenshot and disconect immeadiately then look at screen shot and decide whether to stay in. This only works if you are one of the first to connect


            well that's still pretty common especially you have been playing in a party, believe me, that happens too in solo ranked, sometimes you get matched with a person that has 5k solo and 5k party mmr

            meteor hammer

              thats what it is yeah. the way jdf8 did it was get in take a screenshot and disconect immeadiately then look at screen shot and decide whether to stay in. This only works if you are one of the first to connec

              this is correct. you can use this to dodge +15/-40 games


                Well play australia solo queue before you complain

                1k difference in every game
                4000 flat braindead carry and 5-5.5k mid


                  ^at sea server you can have a retard 5k on your team while the enemy team has a good 5k player

                  meteor hammer

                    idk why you think thats sea exclusive but it definitely is not