General Discussion

General DiscussionArc Warden Situational Builds

Arc Warden Situational Builds in General Discussion

    Arc Warden is my second most played hero with a 58% winrate and i'm looking for advice on alternative builds (Cookie god help me).

    I almost always play Arc mid, and i almost always do a more right-click oriented build (mjollnir, hurricane pike, bloodthorn, Manta, etc.)

    Sometimes i mix it up depending on what i'm up against. If there's an omniknight or a medusa i'll pick up a diffusal blade. If there's a core necrophose on the enemy team i might get a dagon after i get some right click items. These are only a few examples. Some items, such as diffusal blade, seem to be obvious deviations from my usual build, but some other items/builds are less obvious.

    For instance, when, if ever, should an Arc Warden go for a nuke oriented build (dagon, E-blade, etc.) over the right click build? When should Arc Warden go for a hard push build (necrobook, manta, etc.) over the right click build?

    My mechanical skills are good enough to play Arc, but my decision making skills aren't always the best. Any help with proper itemization suggestions would be appreciated.


      necro, manta, dagon, eblade are items that you never ever buy on arc.


        Silver edge ?


          SE is fine


            From what I've seen from zxyc, blink is pretty good situationally and he builds hex almost every game where he has the time.
            You can check out his games if you want or just ignore me

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              Cookie, what is the rationale for not getting Necro, Manta, Dagon, or E-Blade on Arc? Do they just not offer the same value as other items for the same price? Should Arc just solely focus on right click items?

              Also, I noticed that many high level Arc players like to get Silver Edge. I've never been too great with invisible heroes, but when should an Arc pick up Silver Edge? Clearly to break passives on people such as Bristle and such, but some people seem to pick it up even if there are no significant passives to break on the enemy team. Is it just a matter of preference/playstyle or are there certain instances where you should always get it?

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                I mean once u have sb u can use clone to hunt the enemy jungle, it's especially effective once u have hex/bloodthorn, that clone can just constantly search for solo pickoffs.

                white boy summer

                  dude arc has dogshit stats so manta on him is like building only damage items on a pl- you either go for raw stats so the illusions benefit or making rightclick and your illusions hit for 10 dmg

                  Yung Beethoven

                    Manta is not good, since he doesnt have much stats to make it viable. Only good if there are really really much debuffs to purge.
                    Necro isnt good, since the cd is way too long. You want to fight with your ult and not push (obviously you do sometimes push with it, but you dont want to get items which are only viable at pushing.)
                    Dagon & E-Blade seems fine to me. The Problem is that it really puts you on a clock. Arc warden is a late game monster but if you play the nuke warden you gotta finish the game soon. Also if the enemy buys bkb you are pretty much fucked.

                    Arc Warden lacks mobility. Which is why ppl buy sb, hurricane and dagger on him. All are pretty good, i would recommend sb especially cuz the upgrade to silver edge is just good on almost any agi core atm. Good stats, good mobility, good dmg. etc.
                    Dagger and Sb just gives you a great way to pick off ppl and afterwards push twr.
                    Dagger is extremly viable if you get a diffu also. Just dagger on the enemy, ult, diffu him and finish him with magnetic field on.

                    Player 222852805

                      check my profile or you can add me to watch my game


                        I dont think Arc need a eblade or a manta... my build is RoA -B Boots - maelstorm> BoT > mjoll or huricane pike> and then I go items depending of the enemy draft > if sven i go like skadi Kite him ez or Ls , if Pa smth like SE and then mkb, but pls never go E blade dagon or octarine plsss


                          If ur against Sven just buy hex


                            I was once playing arc warden and build all 6 active item (SE, Pike, Vyse, Bloodthorn, BoT, and BKB) it was hard as hell.
                            So i still prefer right-click item, depends on enemy too.


                              what zab said, basically it used to be that your ult refreshes cooldowns of everything every time the new tempest is summoned

                              so back then necrobook was actually legit, but now it's just a waste of money.

                              Manta was always a waste of money due to arc's lack of stats and stat items

                              also due to it just adding more unnecessary micro units that don't do much.

                              Arc's biggest problem is positioning the hero mid-fight

                              manta would only make that even harder

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                              Giff me Wingman

                                Your mechanical skill is clearly lacking. Necro is 9th slot item if u ever get there.
                                You never won a match with arc warden where the avg MMR was higher than 3.650. The fact that you have a 58% winrate on normal/high skill just proves you lack a fuckton when it comes to arc, not only decisionmaking.

                                Looking at ur stats you clearly lack the following:
                                - Farming patterns
                                - Item Decision
                                - Mechanical skill
                                - Map awareness.

                                I highly suggest you get yourself a coach.

                                Ask him for coaching or join his stream when he's streaming his games and ask him questions in the chat.

                                Also, lothars (shadowblade) is situational, it's not that good. You can pick up the lothars/silvers edge when you play against heroes where you need to disable their passive, spec and bristle to name an few. Other than that it really isn't a good item on arc, since it delays more important items or even takes a slot from an item you would actually need more. I've seen countless arc players (mostly 4-5kish ones) that lost a game because they didn't have armor and melted way to fast or lacked the disable for something for example.


                                  arc warden is literally made out of farming patterns, item decision, mechanical skill and map awareness

                                  that's basically saying, you know nothing.

                                  Giff me Wingman

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                                    주 롄양

                                      relying farm on midas alone is shit and u wont be able to outfarm enemy core

                                      thats why dagon& e-blade is rendering useless


                                        can you skip midas on Arc, or is that a game-losing move? I'm asking because I use him here and there, pretty good hero, underrated in power, and I'm not even using him well enough yet, what more if I can get good with him.


                                          Rofl, Blunt outblunted by Cookie

                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                            can you skip midas on Arc

                                            No. That's his core item.

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                                                Danishblunt, i guess what i meant when i said i'm mechanically skilled enough to play Arc is that i can micro him well enough and use his items/abilities sufficiently enough at my skill level. I'm not a competitive player. I don't play solo ranked, only party ranked with friends. Given this, a coach is probably something I wouldn't seriously consider unless i could find someone willing to coach for free. I do need to work on the skills you mentioned though. Do you know any good guides online i could read, or any other useful resources i could use to help me improve?


                                                  no, the only way you'll learn this is by either thinking about the game, heavy analysis or playing a lot of matches.

                                                  No coach can help you gain these skills, only yourself.


                                                    Isn't arcwarden abt dealing retarded dmg and not letting the enemy touch him so it doesn't matter how much armor he has?
                                                    Like positioning is key, using that to make sure u don't die as opposed to being tankier.
                                                    Idk shit just asking rlly.


                                                      yea, arc's armor basically almost doesn't matter

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                                                            idk bout you but arc rips people apart hard with the standard build.

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                                                                  ♥Notail's girl♥
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                                                                    ♥Notail's girl♥

                                                                      Arc warden is amazing he's complex to play but he's pretty cool you just need to have good reflex and split push with your tempest double and farm with your main in jungle until you have SB/SE + Mjollnir + Bloodthorn you can solo kill most of the heroes alone also don't forget to get HoM for 400 free g per 1.3m :)

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                                                                        Wtf with kitrak deleting his comment
                                                                        i'm curious as hell

                                                                        Dont listen to them, arc is ez hero just watch some replay or stream and you'll gain mmr lmao


                                                                          KR if you ask me, it's a lil bit unreasonable to assume that arc can fight like that during lvl 3-9

                                                                          his spells are really not reliable, you need a very good setup or followup.

                                                                          even RTZ does the standard build/playstyle.

                                                                          i'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're 7k and that you have some kind of an idea of how to execute this, but from my experience and from watching 7k+ arc players, no one fights with arc like that.

                                                                          arc can join any fight basiclaly when he has maelstorm, but it'd be ridiculous to be looking for fights while not having items on a non mobile hero.

                                                                          i'm fine with any gank/pickoff before that, but not fights.

                                                                          even invoker is played like this these days.

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