General Discussion

General Discussionhelp boys

help boys in General Discussion

    hello guys
    i was dota 1(2010-2014) and istoped playing dota for like 2 years and back in middle of 2016 i calibrated at 4.5k (in late of 2016) i'm 4k player well for like 7months l i stucked btw 4.2 to 4.8 once i reach 5k once and i droped bcz i know that i was idiot playing due the exams of universtity etc and this days when i droped i was like raging and blaming everyone
    i prefer to play support and sometimes i do mid/carry
    is there anyhelp or guide to help la
    feel to not comment with stupid shit comments like gitgud bcz i'm tryin to gitgud as much as i can
    ps : english isnt my native language sry for that.bad english.
    hopefully i'll find help from u boys

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      hi The Only Way to Play guides are out, go watch some of them


        gimm sum of em


 (Mirana player). get the match ID and watch it from the replay.
          search for any heroes you like and start watching.

          the changes after 7.0 were huge so you have a lot to catch up on.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            Step 1 : get team with proper brain
            Step 2 : realize you can't get em
            Step 3 : ??? (The f*** are you doing m8)
            Step 4 : RAGE QUIT

            Ez pz.


              Go afk jungle till die


                Seriously tho, i'm currently playing at SEA server, even though only HS bracket.

                Finding teammate (especially carry) with good CS, on-time item build, not making a bad decision / item build.
                Seems impossible.

                I can do that, but since the pick are most likely like this
                Pick 1 : Invoker (2 tango and 1 ward plz)
                Pick 2 : PA/AM/Jugg (im taking safelane)
                Pick 3 : (a slightly better teammate) pick ranged and taking offlane since he doesn't want to compete creep with safelane carry
                Pick 4 : pick whatever hero he can play (basically about 5-7 hero pool)
                Pick 5 : and then there's me, supporting ward 24/7 and utility item and still get blamed when lose.

                Party >>>> Solo below 4k


                  kinda no shit


                    still no shie help


                      just lastpick and counter themand be posotive suggest tsam what combo should be picked and ur gona go up sooner or later

                      or just spamm enigma try pick it as last as posible


                        Gitgud. Especially in English lol


                          Retarded responses from the beloved dotabuff community as usual
                          Just get used to the meta and turn your brain on


                            hello guys
                            i was dota 1

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              so he was dota 1

                              like the game itself?

                              Giff me Wingman

                                I don't know, are you a guide itself?


                                  Try to use Pvgna Oracle, it's not a guide, but it shows whats aspects you should improve compares to other players from your bracket.


                                    Rofl blunt n cuki in every thread

                                    also jdf8

                                      1 blue star and 1 blint


                                        "Hello guys

                                        I was dota 1..."

                                        Sup old-timer. Hate to break it to you buddy, but you've been replaced.

                                        By dota 2.

                                        And it's much better.



                                          Damn you guys are unecessarily cruel sometimes


                                            Step 1 : get team with proper brain
                                            Step 2 : realize you can't get em
                                            Step 3 : ??? (The f*** are you doing m8)
                                            Step 4 : RAGE QUIT
                                            Ez pz.

                                            my life atm

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!