General Discussion

General Discussionyour comeback story from real life

your comeback story from real life in General Discussion
Player 404335202

    Yo ? ?


      fidget spinner


        i started going on then i promised my self i will never do it again cause it has risks and i didnt do it for a while , comeback bitch

        meteor hammer

          we were down 2 sets of rax but my luna took out a high interest loan for a rapier and killed their base


            ^ son , real life


              moni bicez drags


                I fucked up
                Now i fuck this up less


                  literally comebacking 4 to 5 times each month. im not gonna break still going strong. tho i do fail a lot and it hurts cant ignore that

                  ma-ku hemburger country


                    I comeback from relapses every few months for the past few years but it gets better and I've been clean for 4 months now :3


                      ^what kind ?


                        If been drunk like all Day quit school and took all drugs i could get back to the Day my dad died. Dota helped me to Start my life again.


                          I never got to the point of drugging/get drunk all day but I was a pretty fucked up whiny antisocial moron without any sign of discipline, and game all day
                          Things are much better now

                          ma-ku hemburger country

                            All my life there's always been a pressure for me to do well. Typical asian parents; they expect top grades from me and if my grades/position drop even by a tiny bit my parents get super mad. Also, I got bullied a lot, especially by people I regarded as my best friends. Over time I kind of broke under all of that and became depressed, did a lot of self-harm and was on the verge of suicide.

                            I'm a lot better now tho. All that time I told myself I'd get myself out of the dark cycle without anyone's help but in college I met a guy who cared enough to smack me to my senses and drag me to a psychiatrist. I'm usually clean for a few months until something major happens and triggers a relapse.

                            But man I wish I wasn't as naive as I was last time. I wanted to see the good in everyone. But when you're too nice you just get stomped all over.

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              Neglect of scholastic responsibilities due to video games consequently led to the burning of some of the agreements and truces between me and my parents, leading to a massive shift in the power dynamic inside the household. Let's just say I went down the totem pole, at the very bottom of the hierarchy.

                              Got high grades again, became extremely active in the student government, found a girl I was willing to chase, made new friends that weren't THAT into Dota. My father's patriarchal need to have a son worthy to brag to his constituents was satisfied, my mother decided that I was doing well enough to merit some freedom ie video games again. Life got generally good again.


                                ^ I also had this kind of RL Comeback. For 2 years, I barely went to school but still got passing grades as I aced the quarterly tests. Then, if I do go to school, I'd be there for half the day and cut classes in the afternoon session. It happened due to having shitty friends who do all sort of rebellious stuff and I followed suit- except doing drugs and smoking.

                                6 months later, I forgot all about those rascals and then took school a little bit serious and ended up having a 4.0 GPA again and getting the best fucking gift I could ever imagine from my ecstatic parents.


                                  welp there's this point in life that happens to some of ppl, when they feel like wtf is this shit i gotta change. if it happens then at least u have a different life from normies, if not u will always be an immature normie like 80% of ppl. it still can backfire and u could like fall into going completely in deep shit and drugs and stuff but that wasnt the case for me feelsgoodman


                                    Always been prone to addictions due to being antisocial and depressed. Started smoking in college despite promising myself I would never do the thing I was most disgusted by back when I was 15 and in school. Then went on to doing drugs and drinking quite often, more so smoking pot and cigs than drinking if anything, but got to a really low point. First time I tried to quit, relapsed in a week, second time relapsed in two months and third time I quit, haven't relapsed in a couple of years, so all good. Not solved all problems in life or come out of depression completely but getting there.


                                      If I never had a mother-in-law I would probably still be the same/ worse than the garbage I was before

                                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                                        ^it's called step mother

                                        Fee Too Pee

                                          from no a single real friend > get some > lost one that cause a great trauma (i fucked up , BAD) > get more real friends

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            @anomalia good shit bro


                                              Mother-in-Law so... Bws is married? Ayy. It's Step Mom, man.

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                              Story Time

                                                is coming back to Dota a comeback story?

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                  No thats the part of the story where u lose smth. Ur story is on going


                                                    @ bws u have a mother work in law or u have stepmother ?


                                                      I was running the 1600 m race, last one of my junior year season, had second place during the last lap, during the last 150-200 m someone just barely passes me, but my whole team and everyone is cheering my name and in the last 100 m stretch I bolt like I've never bolted before and passed him and ran an end result of 5:05 for a mile (1600 m). Also was my personal record.


                                                        Otherwise my life is more of a "I haven't come back yet"
                                                        Not that I'm in a huge ditch, I'm just lazy af and need to fix that and get motivated.


                                                          Feelsbadman u either gotta actively tryhard to have gud shit and be happy or not try and slowly get depression or end up an alcoholic n shit. There are no exceptions not even rich ppl


                                                            yea succesful poeple work alot and are very active if ur lazy af dont expect gold shit it always been liks that


                                                              I don't have comeback stories
                                                              it either goes really well for me and everyone
                                                              or horrible painful slow road to crying like a bitch......but i've made a couple rules to reduce the sadness when life hits rule is im alone in here for myself...if something bad happens it's my fault and it's my responsibility to fix things...noone will pat my back when I do well...and noone will bother cheer me up when im feelin I might as well figure out everything on my own...another rule is to never get too happy for smthn....cuz the moment u feel ur really happy and nothing can go wrong is just the moment where every thing
                                                              collapses over ur head

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