General Discussion

General DiscussionCancer

Cancer in General Discussion

    This is sick guys!
    I am in hidden pool confirmed by valve, how to get out? There are games where i say my idiot teammates let me mid, you just sup ez mmr, but they pick 4 more cores and feed. When team holds you back, everyone knows its impossible to climb out of 4k trench, also sea server trench holds me back.
    I even tell my teammates "retards lets push, we can do it" but they dont listen, its impossible to win these toxic cancer games, also enemy are always boosters, or their best heroes spammers, but i dominate them still, but then some russian idiot starts feeding and i lose, how to get vhs? Boost me pls


      I wonder how many people will get baited


        Yes ure right


          plz some1 send help, how do i get out of the hidden pool


            +++ you can check my dotabuff, lost 6 games in a row because of hidden pool, teammates were mentaly challanged, one of them even shit his pants, or at least said so, how to escape this?


              +++ you can check my dotabuff, lost 6 games in a row because of hidden pool, teammates were mentaly challanged, one of them even shit his pants, or at least said so, how to escape this?


                You have to buy more hats for 5k.


                  Wtf is those hats? I play only carry im afraid




                      How can cosmetics help win? Are you gay or idiot? Only serious posts pls


                        Valve will make you lose until you payed enough money. Isnt it obvious?


                          Keep calling your teammates retards it will surely give you MMR.


                            it's a free game, no bitching

                            it's still in beta

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              Play custom games to cleanse your behaviour


                                Luxon i try, but these mongols are too retarded to undesrtand, i explain them, that if they want to improve they need to understand that they are idiots retards but they still dont listen and go feed! I hate valve for this hidden pool, they always ruin my games


                                  why u say sea server is trash when u play with russian ???

                                  ohh i get it


                                    Russians on sea werver, can you imagine that! Impossible to win! So toxic, need boost for vhs


                                      Luxon i try, but these mongols are too retarded to undesrtand, i explain them, that if they want to improve they need to understand that they are idiots retards but they still dont listen and go feed! I hate valve for this hidden pool, they always ruin my games

                                      Holy shit i laughed Hard.


                                        Its rly hard to get baited when the first reply is "I wonder how many people will get baited"


                                          but this is pure shit guys, i really hate this game, i am really a tryhard type player, i do everything to maximize my team chance to win, i always write mid or feed at start of game, but teammates are never such try hard dedicated players and ruin everything, if everyone would be like me i know my win rate would be somewhat around 92% and i would play in TI, most likely as OG player, i have calculated that we could finnish 2nd this year, but i am still growing as a player so that is ok i guess. Anyway, how you got out of this cursed hidden pool? teach me also pls, i want to boost, not to deal with these braindead teammates


                                            thats why: "i always write mid or feed at start of game"


                                              no, i think i found out how to get out of hidden pool, i 1v9 win game, then i write commend me noobs, they commend and i am out i think, ez

                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                worst troll ever.