General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does miracle have a 300 avg apm on every heroes , and he has 400+...

Why does miracle have a 300 avg apm on every heroes , and he has 400+ apm on invoker?? in General Discussion

    is he a veteran starcraft player too? SeemsGood

    basement :)

      Maybe because he can perform 300 meaningful actions per minute?


        yea thats right i checked noones,cancel and others invoker they all have 200+only and miracle has 400 like wtf?


          What exactly counts as an action? Does changing a simple orb count as one? Moving the camera and looking around? If so, does each click for each area you look at, no matter how long, counts as an action? If his APM is 400, that means he has over 6 actions every second. What would constitute to having so many actions in a matter of seconds? And not in team fights, bit in normal farming patterns or laning phase...


            i think mostly he do is right clikking wether is moving or attacking i see he rigt click alot

            can u link me miracles opendota profile?


     im a veteran who got 24 cs @10 min free lane


                anomalina clicks, button pushes


                  @anomalina , yea man i am thinking the same thing haha


                    400+ avg apm in every game as well as mind_control, he also has 300+ in every hero even if he play sniper lul


                      It doesn't fucking matter


                        @bws yea man it doesn't matter, but look at noone's viper , has only 2 active abilities and yet its 400+ apm lul





                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                              he use hax


                                right clikc is the answer
                                some players right click less some like maniacs


                                  I think stagger stepping or side stepping (whatever you call it) during the early game might contribute a lot to an increased APM. Notice how supports have a lot less of it coz they don't farm like the cores do.


                                    it's prob cause they have auto right click on hold enabled, this is what my apm chart looks like after it became an ingame setting. it's meaningless, there's no way you can have 400 apm in dota and have each action be useful

                                    low prio master

                                      Pro players will always have high apm its important in pro games,simply every action is somehow decision you making... faster you clicking faster you thinking,also players with low apm can't juke well


                                        ^ Hahahah


                                          Pro players will always have high apm its important in pro games,simply every action is somehow decision you making... faster you clicking faster you thinking,also players with low apm can't juke well


                                          30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                                            They keep running around in circles doing nothing the entire game




                                                high apm is not important and never been


                                                  To answer the actual question that the post was asking (not the relevance of APM but the reason as to why Miracle- has a high average APM), it's because Miracle- clicks a lot.

                                                  I watch a lot of his videos, and he often right clicks in between attacks, even when just hitting creeps, hitting towers, or chasing a hero. Lots of benefits especially on heroes that have high BAT and when you're chasing. Also tougher to get jumped on since you keep on moving.


                                                    it might be the auto right click feature if you pay attention to his plays on youtube, very similar mouse clicks as when you use it. in starcraft there's apm and effective apm. apm is normally high (350 - 450+++) in times of lull and the players are, in a sense, "warming up" or building up to the micro and macro intensive mid game. it drops to 200 - 350++ by the time mid game comes when skirmishes are more frequent, less down time in between actions.

                                                    effective apm is basically a counter used to see which of their button mashes actually matter eg. producing units, giving commands. I have rarely seen this exceed 300 on highly skilled players. a 200eapm player can still outplay a 400apm player.

                                                    the notion is traditionally the more stable your eapm, the more calculated (more macro intensive than micro) your clicks are, hence less wasted energy (like kuroky). for players like miracle it becomes a matter of twitch reaction, it becomes second nature for him to spam clicks to prep for when sudden stimuli causes him to react to the incident accordingly. his eapm may still be absurdly high considering his skills, but dont assume the same of others who boast of equally high apms (the easiest way to judge is to watch the pathing of their heroes) high apm is not necessarily the be all and end all of dota2, so don't regard it too highly folks.

                                                    Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                      Some people just have that kind of style, it's not what makes Miracle into the player he is.
                                                      One could argue it helps keeping the player more on his toes at any given time, but I wouldn't say it has much advantage, saying as someone who has the same APM average probably as him (~350-450).


                                                        Are you fucking retarded? It literally says what they do to have that high apm on the same page. As in for WHY? It makes you react to everything faster.


                                                          there is a correlation between high apm and high mmr.

                                                          i average 250-400 apm on any heroes i play, even on zeus.



                                                            :huh: lul wut


                                                              miracle plays like a spastic moron, there's lots of 9-10k players who don't have seizures during matches


                                                                Have you tried getting high apm

                                                                meteor hammer

                                                                  lower apm than viper what now apm fangays


                                                                    SB 65 XD

                                                                    meteor hammer

                                                                      well he died 17 times


                                                                        hello i can have 400 apm on wraithking just by enabling hold down right click and using that shit to move

                                                                        apm means nothing, esp since its usually inflated due to that option


                                                                          what now haters? SoBayed

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            i like how ppl associate viper and shit with low apm evn though 99% of ur apm is clicking on the ground wOW!!1

                                                                            meteor hammer



                                                                                High apm gas high rise getting hand problem
                                                                                100 apm is enough for me


                                                                                  some player just like to spam shit so they are always in 'action mode'

                                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!