General Discussion

General DiscussionThe easiest way to get out of 3k is Meepo.

The easiest way to get out of 3k is Meepo. in General Discussion
Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

    Just play him. Literally 3ks can't win against him.


      real vertox from serbia ???!?!??!?!1111

      Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

        Yeah, I just forgot to switch accounts.


          3k's can't even play meepo now what about getting out rofl

          Potato Marshal

            But how would you know how to get out of 3k if you're stuck in low 1k?

            Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

              I climbed from 3.1 to 3.4k with just one loss.

              I just followed simple Pushing Patern from Cookie and practiced my Meepo here. My main is:


              Този коментар е бил редактиран
              Potato Marshal

                But you still haven't gotten out of 3k yet.


                  rofl ur steam profile after the meepo spam


                    ^^ Depends in which context you mean yet . Becuase vertox was 4K before I quit dota, not sure when he lost it .

                    ^lol just read his comments

                    :( I just looked at mine , I only have one comment and it's from vertox 27 months ago.

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      When did you get to 3.1k lol...
                      I agree lower mmr scrubs just can't deal with meepo

                      Potato Marshal

                        My profile comments is just full of memes and weebshit


                        Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                          @ Potato Marshal

                          I think I will, but my goal is to get out of 3k just by playing Meepo!

                          So far so good.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            According to actual meta statistics, it seems that meepo isn't the hero to grind mmr, if you're equally as bad/good as your opponents.

                            Necro, on the other hand...


                              Why practice a difficult hero when any half decent necrophos is free mmr?
                              I think I'll just spam necro all my games to try to cash in on the hero before he gets nerfed.


                                i agree, i randomed meepo twice and feeded like a maniac.

                                then enemy team pushed high ground, I tped into creepwave (ofc 3ks dont push out all lanes before sieging) and tool all 3 barracks alone (ofc no one had TP's/ thought 1 playee alone cant take 3 barracks)

                                Now imagine if i knew how to play meepo and didnt feed early game...


                                  also when i started to play dota i had a 4k friend that spammed meepo. on every other hero he would play like a sub 1k player, only reason he was 4k is meepo. 0 game understanding


                                    Why low mmr cant deal against meepo???. I once play against meepo spammer(300 win as meepo with 4kmmr) rekt him by Going smoke gank in jungle

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                    Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                      I just enjoy playing him..


                                        cause mepo can rosh under min 15 and kill racks in 15 min whilr necro have phase veil


                                          Sven says hi. I know Meepo players should be able to ignore a Sven, but I still struggle a lot with him. That bastard rogue knight is one of the reasons why I haven't touched Meepo in a while, a lot of Sven picks recently in my games

                                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                            I also strugle against him.. it's just because I lack exp. When I get better I'm sure Sven won't be a problem. :)

                                            I was experimenting something and i lost game in 1k.> Dang rip winrate

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              3k's can't even play meepo

                                              Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                Got another relativly ez victory. Could've ended it way faster, but I failed a few times and bum, Troll, Magnus, Invoker.. Anoying.


                                                  3k's ?


                                                    I almost always win against meepo pickers. I usually tell my team I'm a support and I'm picking 3rd/4th for counters on cores. Meepos generally only win as 5th picks unless that meepo is extra good (like that booster I played against with once...)


                                                      i have like 60% winrate in 2k with meepo, but i have like 20-30 games only with him, not so easy if enemy team counterpick you, ofc depends how good you play also


                                                        Are you suggesting you should pick Meepo no matter what the draft of the team is and mark jungle, but what you actually do is go safe lane and steal your carry's farm, kills and sanity because you're not a team player?



                                                          Good Axe/Sven/Es/Ck players would wreck that meepo.

                                                          < blank >

                                                            how the fuck did you drop from 3.9k to 3.2k?


                                                              > 3ks cant play against meepo

                                                              > lost 2 games vs 1ks on smurf :thinking:

                                                              Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)


                                                                I was trying some things, I could've won those games easily if I actually wanted to.

                                                                anyways, got few more wins on my main. Ez

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  get out of 3k

                                                                  I climbed from 3.1 to 3.4k with just one loss.


                                                                    Starting my 1k adventures on vertox's alternate account now. XD


                                                                      How do I play meepo?

                                                                      Optimus Drip

                                                                        i spammed techies out of 3k in international and still spam techies out of normal mmr


                                                                          I tried out new build:

                                                                          Instead of going Dlance I went 2x wraithband into Diff/Blink.

                                                                          Decided to do my last double-down:


                                                                          Ez game. They thought I'm a smurf. LUL


                                                                            How do you convince your team to let you last pick meepo


                                                                              I just mute anyone and mark mid, say before the picking phase starts:

                                                                              "me mid pls"

                                                                              They just give up or we go double mid. Eventually double mid gives up and I'm alone.

                                                                              I rarely have this problems, they usually let me go mid. Since I've started Meepo spam I think I've gained plenty of commends. My behavior score is 8500 now, and it was 6k pretty much 80% of 2017.

                                                                              I do not lastpick Meepo all the time, but I try not to first-pick it. If I could last-pick it that'd be great... I did have a few very-hard games, for example:


                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                3500 now : )


                                                                                  Yea everyone knows this. It's why u see meepo picked a lot close to 4k. Low 3k ppl not good enough to play meepo well


                                                                                    i remember times in 4600 mmr games where every playrr have 1k games on 1 hero
                                                                                    one day i play vs 1k games ursa who is godlike as roamer in 10min next game iget 1k games mepo spamer where we have 20 5 score and he jist push top and take racks and go for rosh


                                                                                      You think that 3k avg mmr game is "very hard"? This is hard:
                                                                                      btw if you are decent at meepo, you can spam him to 5k easily.
                                                                                      I remember there's a guy in sea got 7k with just meepo in 2014. He's BVTV if i'm not mistaken, Abed's master.


                                                                                        I never said 3k avg mmr game is very hard. Daily, people try to ask other people what to play in order to climb.

                                                                                        Meepo is one of the best heroes to climb if you can play him... Which I think is not hard at some basic level.


                                                                                          The streak goes on, so far 9 in a row with Meepo. If anyone's got some tips on how to lane against Shadow Fiend I'd appriciate.

                                                                                          I can easily jungle but then he gets literally FREE mid lane. I tried to call my supports for ganks, but they didn't want to help me.

                                                                                          If I try to clear the wave at least, I end up being razed and it hurts, a lot.

                                                                                          I'm starting to like 2x wraithband into diff/blink build. because it gives you pretty much better DPS than Dlance since u get 6 more DMG, but you lose some STR.. And it's cheapter a lot, which provides ez blink timing.


                                                                                            just kill him lvl 3, if you can't then it's not your problem.

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                              fuck meepo player



                                                                                                Can you come Skype or Steam, please?


                                                                                                  SF is not the problem, you can outfarm him easily, especially when your enemies is only 3k. He should be scare of you instead. At level 3+, one net double poof combo and he's done for. When you get level 10 and blink, everyone dies. Ez. I have stopped getting dragon lance and build 2x wraith bands/bracers for like several months already. Welcome to the trend. Meepo will be getting harder to carry the game when you get into 5-6k+ bracket



                                                                                                    I don't think I'll ever get to the 5k anyways. XD

                                                                                                    I'm not saying I can't outfarm him, even in a literally worst lane EVER I end up with 60+ CS with Meepo for 10 mins, I usually average around 85-100, which is still probably not amazing, I guess?

                                                                                                    I've killed him at level 10 with diffusal and double net, he wasn't a problem. It's just that It feels very weird to just let him freefarm mid while I'm farming myself. Despite the fact I'm doing it faster..


                                                                                                      Why no dragon lance anymore ? and why 2 wbands ?