General Discussion

General DiscussionYour calibrated MMR vs your current MMR?

Your calibrated MMR vs your current MMR? in General Discussion

    How much did your MMR increase since you calibrated? and how long did it take ? I calibrated at 3.4k earlier this year , and i'm still stuck in it . :(

    Тази тема била редактирана
    死の恐怖 Haseo


      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        5500 -> 6500, 300 MMR per year. I didn't really try to climb though.

        Potato Marshal

          Started playing ranked 3 years ago, started at 3.0k, now at 5.0k.


            calibrated at 3.5k around july.

            now at 4.4k. So around 900 MMR in around 3 months.

            I stopped playing though because solo MMR farming is depressing.


              3.660 - 3840


                wow thats like 300 mmr a month :O

                Forget me not

                  1.800 when I calibates at January 2016 till now it's 4100 . that take almost two years.

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    Calibrated at 1.9 k , grinded to 4.4 k , quit dotes and feel back into 2k . Currently back into 3k should hopefully hit 4K again soon

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                    Livin' Real Good

                      I started Dota in summer 2014, Calibrated to 1.9 in Jan 2015 (I know it was January cause I remember making a news years resolution to start playing ranked) Hit 5.0 in May 2017, now currently 4.3 in September due to a minus 700 tilt.

                      I got out of 2K pretty fast in literally just a month in early 2015, then proceeded to stay trapped in 3K for almost a year, then got trapped in 4K for like a year until finally breaking through to 5.0. I still can't say I escaped 4K, cause the only reason I got to 5K was cause I was on a lucky win streak with good teammates. Now i'm back on Dotabuff trying to learn and get what I lost back, although when I get it back, I will never touch solo ranked again, it's not worth your health.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        high 1k > low 6k.


                          Calibrated 2.1k climbed to 4.7k and been around 4.7k for 3 years now.

                          I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                            4400 - 5700

                            I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                              oh you mean my current then it's 1000 mmr LUL

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                Seems like a lot of us calibrated around 2.0 and died some where in 4K . I think I would have to dedicate a lot more time to reach 5k myself . Probably only people that dedicate either a lot of time or are naturally skilled go to 5k and up .


                                  Few people consistently win more than 60% of their games.

                                  Which means farming MMR is a long, painful grind.


                                    the same almsot happened to me, you get really good at solo winning but then you can't solo win anymore after 4k because people grow brains.

                                    what you gotta do is now start using other methods to win like teamplay and coordination.


                                      Started around 1300 about a year ago, I peaked at 2900 about 4 months ago, now that I play less I'm chilling at ~2550

                                      I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                        I'm sure I won up to 4.8k just by being more efficient than anyone else in my bracket. I could farm faster than anyone, but that was the only thing I could do. I had good map awareness and I knew how to farm, so I would get my items quick and I wouldn't die often and that would win me games, cuz I'm more farmed than enemy carry/mid. But then getting to 5k+ require something else. I started doing objectives and trying to set a faster phase and it actually worked all the way to the 5.7k I mean that's not all ofc this is just a SUPER FUCKING BIG PICTURE ok? It's like food, I told you pizza (the big picture) but I haven't told you the ingredients, because there's so many of them that I've learned from all the games I've played and better players told me.


                                          1.4k to 3.7k in about 2 years.


                                            2700 - 5500

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                              3301, got to 3652 then dropped to 3400~, now I am at 3749. I probably could have reached 4K by spamming Veno or something but I got lazy




                                                  calibrated 2,9k now 3,4k

                                                  meteor hammer







                                                          2600 - 4800


                                                            2k - 2.5k I'm starting to play ranked more.


                                                              at my main i calibrated as 4.5k two years ago (yes i played dota1 before but quit after maphack accures.)
                                                              then i created a lot of smurfs cus ranked gaming was kinda painful for me and i had anxiety problems so i stopped playing solo ranked and let my solo mmr still.
                                                              then i start playing with my friends from 4.4k to 5.7k in 1 summer.
                                                              the highest calibrate i did : 4.8k.
                                                              after ranked calibration fixed, i stopped creating smurfs and start playing party ranked with my friends.
                                                              i still think i might reach 6k if i keep playing, but i dont really care actually, i dont think if its worth to get mad and make my beloved ones away from me cus they were really hate my anger. i took physcological help , now im better to control my anger like my behaviour score is 9.500.
                                                              i still like playing party with my friends, my best way to enjoy myself and dota2. also recommend that to all other users who got anger problems.

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                3300 - 6900 took me around 3,5 years

                                                                I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd


                                                                  I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                                    FUCKING LIAR GET BUSTED


                                                                      calibrated 4100 now 3600 after 4 and half years heheheheh

                                                                      Justin Weaver

                                                                        1070, like one or two months ago in international lul. Now sitting at 2175 xD


                                                                          Wasted my time like an idiot UNlearning the game and tilting in normal games mostly but I calibrated low 2k, not more than 2.3k, and now after 3 years my mmr is 4090.


                                                                            2,3k to 3,5k


                                                                              calibrated 4100 now 3600 after 4 and half years heheheheh

                                                                                Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
                                                                                Spec Deck

                                                                                  2.2k > 5.2k


                                                                                    2.3k-5.3k would go higher but theres no point anymore the navy took any reason to climb higher away when i joined


                                                                                      Calibrated 3k flat earlier this year, now im 3.6 .. +600 mmr .. not so good.. ups and downs are crazy!
                                                                                      still trying not to blame or flame nor talk to shittyshits..
                                                                                      im doing my best!
                                                                                      hope to reach 4k soon!




                                                                                          2.0k > 5.2

                                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                            1.2 -> 3.8 1.5 year

                                                                                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                              Calibrated at 3200 mmr 4yrs ago, now 3900.


                                                                                                1,6k > 3,1k about 2 years


                                                                                                  calibrated 1.5k then sucked for a good year, made new account, got 4.5k , then 5.5k then back down to 5k

                                                                                                  dota is actually not that hard once you adopt a good mental play style


                                                                                                    ~3000 - 4870 :(

                                                                                                    COHENTA CRL

                                                                                                      1.2 -> 5.6 3 years