General Discussion

General DiscussionI am simple player, I want diretide, not this new shit

I am simple player, I want diretide, not this new shit in General Discussion
Story Time

    Volvo, peaze gib us dotatide now or we quiot ze game

    Old Doge

      I know this may sound impolite, but if you're only looking to play "Diretide" instead of the actual game, I think it would be best to play other ones out there.

      Riguma Borusu

        you are a simple player

        valve no likey

        game more complex

        not necessarily better

        but more exciting

        you like exciting right

        well stop being a simple player

        go play turbo

        Story Time

          go turbodiretide

          Riguma Borusu

            I would say you should just go to the arcade section and play the diretide mod but that answer wouldn't be meme enough.

            Story Time

              yes, please meme or gtfo :D it is a troll thread that will be closed in 3 hours when Skim is back from holidays

              Riguma Borusu

                i hope it lives forever

                unlike skim

                i hope skim dies irl so he does not close this thread

                Story Time

                  ^looks like you are summoning him here on purpose :D


                    you can actually play new moon and siltbreaker(both) so I wouldn't be suprised if it was possible to play diretide too

                    I just searched the games and there is sth called diretide(beta) in the arcade search

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!