General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is underlord's winrate so high?

Why is underlord's winrate so high? in General Discussion

    How do you spam him


      when you get to the drafting phase, pick underlord

      Pale Mannie

        i skip ult until lvl 9 or so. the damage from firestorm is not to underestimate early

        Pale Mannie

          or any stage at the game with enough disables


            Annoying fucking hero to play against I swear. Remove that hero


              Hes very op but if ur safe core or mid fail u cant do shit thats the main problem with pit he cant win u mmr if ur team is shitstain


                tanky, hard to kill, regen talent that can stack mek and pipe, provides control, damage reduction aura and a safe teleport if the teamfight is fucked.


                  Super strong o - your aura and high HP make you really untouchable, especially if you go for a Poor Man's Shield build. Your firestorm do some serious damage if your enemy tries to last hit.
                  Underlord is FUN to play, especially when you are making the enemy carry cry during laning phase.

                  Potato Marshal

                    Poor Man's Shield build

                    Get with the times old man


                      He's classified as strong but not OP or cancerous. He's fairly easy to deal with but not easy to kill. He's annoying in some cases but ignoring him is the best way of playing around him. Heroes that are good against him early game would be Ursa, MK, Drow, Clinkz, OD and other lane dominators.


                        in lane you need to have strong supports harassing him nonstop. any melee carry who cant nuke waves has to either farm under tower or do jungle rotations once underlord is level 5, while he just comes to lane to press Q and farms a jungle camp meanwhile. like axe in that regard, just even more annoying

                        he has huge teamfight presence, farms strong, theres no single core item he always needs so he can buy all the untility you need. i really like treads ac aghs in easy games, while sth like pipe euls forcestaff can be amazing too

                        his ult brings mobility for the whole team, like kotl or whisp just way better

                        also imo underlord can play pos 1,2,3,4 btw but hes at his best as 3


                          To be honest even if you kill him 5 times in lane he will still have big impact in mid-game.



                            i was 1/9 at 15min, that morphling rekt me hard. didnt matter. can totally agree with luxon

                            meteor hammer

                              someone should tell that pangolier that multiple mkbs cant activate at once xd


                                Easy to do what you're supposed to do. Relatively hard to counter.


                                  ye but the stacking 75%makes it a 94% proc chance with 2 mkbs. totally worth 8400 gold Kappa


                                    He is fat


                                      his passive really strong in late


                                        I lost 4/5 of my last Underlord games (one of those bad streaks)

                                        Basically a combination of team throwing (1 game), me tilting (1 game), and getting zoned out early.

                                        He's very easy to shut down at level 1 if enemy supps know what they're doing. And it's not like he can jungle before level 3.

                                        He's the strongest mid-game and late-game team fight hero in this meta. -40% damage, with greaves/pipe/crimson makes him really hard to deal with.

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!