General Discussion

General Discussion7.07D discussion

7.07D discussion in General Discussion

    Very needed morph and dusa nerf lol, everything just seems more balanced now.

    Тази тема била редактирана
    Pale Mannie

      fuck those snakes still jumping like 6.84 lesh lighning storm

      Stone Cold Steve Austin

        I'm not sure completely removing Morph's other unique mechanism (aside from Replicate) was the right call. Probably completely out of especially professional scene.

          Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

            I think Centaur Warrunner needs a buff like "+20 Base Strengt"?!?!

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              is morph dead? not being able to morph while stunned does make sense, but it was super important for the hero. idc though really, i dont play him and dont like to play against him, so.

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                remember when mask of madness used to give 30% ms
                i member

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  also rip mom. pathetic nerfs for some other heroes though, mainly bane, tiny and brewmaster.

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    dont think its rip mom because for lots of heroes theres no better alternative regardless

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      very sad for luner though, mom + manta + bfly + pike nerfs cumulatively hit HARD


                        i dont understand the storm nerf


                          or tinkers

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            yeah, because icefrog removed hotd giving lifesteal so you either get vlads now which is shit on 90% of the carries or you just get casual mask and get satanic later, both of which are not really good. i guess you just rarely use the active now.

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              i think with the massive hpregen buffs(since the rework) u could easily make up for lifesteal with hotds regen(at least till late game), its more to do the fact that the item itself is niche(garbage)

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                oh and they also cut the ancients gold by 10 percent thanks icefrog)))

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  btw heres my 4k prediction for aeon disk: noone will still buy the item until the point icefrog buffs its cost to like flat 3k at which point it will become the new halberd(except 10 times worse because the very concept of the item is inheretly broken)

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    aoen disk morph will be the new meta.

                                    Tu tayta

                                      Winter Wyvern nerfs :(

                                      low prio master

                                        Omni purification cast 450.....he is now worst supp in the game i understand this doesn't affect offlane omni that much...valve maybe really trying to make more offlaner only,but this nerf is huge for omni supp and he become unpickable support for me.

                                        Morph and Dusa good calls


                                          No nerfs to the heroes I play and nerfs to some of the heroes I hate playing against. Good changes.

                                          Meteor hammer and Aeon Tablet still the worst of the new items that have been introduced and these tiny buffs aren’t going to do much to change that.

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            still waiting for viper to get a mana regen talent


                                              also do I hear new music


                                                That nerf to manta. Sad day for agi carries

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  oh boy time to play crap like LS now

                                                  Player 281121816

                                                    Yeah i hate that shit omni

                                                    These kids must be thinking they was pro by just spamming heal,brother


                                                      More Earth Spirit nerf. Icefrog must really hates him.

                                                      I love the nerf to Mask of Madness and Linken Sphere. The latter has been a thorn in my eyes for 3 years already.

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        I think instead of nerfing Mom so much they should buff other early game substitutes


                                                          Is terrorblade got his nerf this patch?

                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                            Fuck linkens, annoying ass item


                                                              i don't understand valve.
                                                              are they trying to reduce dota2 players by themselves?
                                                              reducing gold, damage, gain almost everything and increase cd's is all they do.
                                                              making game more longer and weaker.
                                                              already many people stop playing dota now this?

                                                              Code EZ

                                                                Morphing while stunned was the only thing that made morphling different/usable. It was what made him a decent split pusher. Now if he split pushes he gets blown up and dies very quickly. Yes he was good at split pushing, and he was tanky, but definitely not invincible. Just because you didn't know to bring a silence doesn't mean he's OP. He has less than a 50% wr before patch and even 50% at 5k plus. Hes just doing really well in pros, only reason for the nerf, but definitely not the nerf he should have gotten.

                                                                unbreakable spirit

                                                                  Lol imagine morph goes full agi while hitting a tower alone and somebody stuns him, this is gonna be hilarious

                                                                  Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                    Yeah, Morph is now either pretty useless, or extremely vulnerable.
                                                                    He's not completely useless, but you can forget him if enemy has chain disables.


                                                                      i can continue my underlord annoyance, no changes to that, while everybody else got hit in their face.
                                                                      probably gonna buy solar crest again, just to put those carry players who still buy MoM and go on me to like -50 armor and 98% dmg reduction. oh and i can kill creepwaves for free once i have a soulring and level 5, plus farm a neutral camp in between waves

                                                                      주 롄양

                                                                        noone mention meme hammer, the shit might become real now


                                                                          Magnus is new rising star


                                                                            Most stuns are not instant.


                                                                              Awesome Rubik buff. Gotta try mid carry rubik now.

                                                                              no incoming chat

                                                                                I can understand nerfing attribute shift, but nerfing other things make the hero pretty much dead & unplayable.

                                                                                Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                                  Let's see, he got nerfed in attribute shift (horribly), and the timing of waveform attack directly. He got nerfed in Linken's cost, and Manta Style indirectly.
                                                                                  On the other hand he gained the +30% IAS talent, which is fine and dandy, though among the things Morph least needs more of, but he can't opt to morph allies now, unless he chooses it over Waveform attack, which is not really optimal.
                                                                                  So yeah, in a very bad place again.


                                                                                    I think the morph nerf was pretty harsh. He can't flash farm as fast now looking at his waveform and talent nerfs. I think the ability shift nerf alone was a little too much. Just lower the rate of shifting or make it use mana like it always did would've been enough.


                                                                                      i'm sure aeon disk becomes broken on ck and pl at some point seeing as illusions still do damage even when it is triggered.


                                                                                        Morphling getting nerfed so hard was totally unnecessary. Enigma and chen only heroes to receive buffs. Everything in the patch just seemed like nerf nerf nerf. Only thing that affected me was butterfly nerf.


                                                                                          Ancients give 10% less bounty.

                                                                                          Stack farming just got nerfed.

                                                                                          If a single ancient stack gave around 250 gold, a four stack used to give 1000 gold. Now it'd give 900 gold. So not that big of a deal I guess.


                                                                                            I checked aeon disk and the best builders are apparently actually spirit breaker and Slardar in terms of winrate if they build the item.

                                                                                            Kind of makes sense since they are both initiators and likely to eat the most return counter initiation if they go into the middle of the enemy team.

                                                                                            They also suffer the least from the dealing no damage part because if it goes off they are still able to cause their bash/stun thing which is useful even if it doesn’t do any direct damage.


                                                                                              btw heres my 4k prediction for aeon disk: noone will still buy the item until the point icefrog buffs its cost to like flat 3k at which point it will become the new halberd(except 10 times worse because the very concept of the item is inheretly broken)

                                                                                              called this for the meteor hammer

                                                                                              Il Separatio


                                                                                                The idea is to play the "ignored" heroes and the others that aren't nerf-ed :D :P :3

                                                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!