General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do farm matters that much?

Why do farm matters that much? in General Discussion
kunst 2

    Two of my last games (Weaver and Dusa) is a good example of how it's working now. Almost the same game duration. Close to perfect bug game with maximum impact - all the towers, kills, good farm without single death versus garbage afk snake game with 3 death but slightly better farm, but with 100 more gpm. How is that balanced? Should it be like this?



      kunst 2

        you hit only creeps = you are king. you hit heroes, towers, and slightly less creeps = you suck dicks

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          medusa has split shot

          kunst 2

            But it's 13/0 and 200 lasthits vs 7/3 and 300 lasthits.


              free farming creeps give more gold than winning team fights, so the higher GPM on dusa makes sense.

              But higher GPM doesn't guarantee winning the game, so you did the right thing in the weaver game, where you had to farm heroes and win team fights because the enemy team had better late game.


                i have 750 avg gpm and probably average less than 5 cs per minute


                  gz dude u have 750 avg gpm in herald 5.

                  kunst 2


                    completely irrelevant bragging


                      like this thread

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        there are multiple aspects to this: tower lasthits, the type of creeps, who and when you killed. when you are 13-0, enemies are much less likely to be farmed, kills giving you much less gold. but if the game is actually close, kills give much more gold. also mid-late game kills much more gold compared to kills in the laning stage. medusa is also much more likely to farm ancient creeps, raising the average of the gold she gets from creeps, compared to weaver who will almost never kill ancients.


                          jungle cs is worth like half of lane cs or less at this point

                          if ur playing am u can have 11 cs/min and still not good gpm because ur cs is on mud golems and small skeletons that give like 5 gold each or something ridiculous


                            if you couldn't get more gold from afk farming then the game would lose most of its strategic depth!


                              Yea there are different Gold sources. Go use open Dota it's really cool.


                                Not true for me. I play on WK a lot and WK can't farm at all. So, all my games are 30-40 min max and usually I win. I really enjoy playing vs AM, Spectre, Dusa, Invoker because they need a lot of farm and can't even defend their t1 twrs.

                                You should punish the enemy team if they have a farming carry. Or you should pick one yourself and farm too. The choice is always yours!


                                  Depends on the hero
                                  Ur not AFK farming on Ursa, but u might on am and do a mix with sven


                                    The diference Is what you let for your enemy.

                                    With afk farming core you get better gpm, but the enemy team as well.

                                    While when you Are Fighting (And killing ppl), they cant freefarm, they lose gpm Fighting, defending, being dead, protecting each other.

                                    So Maybe your gpm was lower, but enemies gpm was much worse.


                                      Its situational. If farm really matter, then all player in pro scene will focused on pick farm heroes. and the games will be boring.


                                        Having more farm in a shorter game results in higher GPM

                                        Who would have though

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          WOW NEVER THOUGHT OF IT BEFORE OMG!!!!1


                                            I really did that wow FML

                                            kunst 2

                                              >Shorter >2.58m

                                              kunst 2

                                                Good point about ancients, I forgot about that. 30/12, pretty significant. But still, most of Weaver creeps is a lane creeps when most of Dusas is a jungle skeletons.

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                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  why bother thinking so much on the most basic thing there is on playing core

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