General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy everyone care about enemie and ally items and give up easily

Why everyone care about enemie and ally items and give up easily in General Discussion

    Like, enemie has blink dager before10 min and they just ff

    Like, u can just gank cancel his blink and kill him its not big lead lol

    Also they see am has manta abysal in 25 min they gg let them push , while he can get killed by 3 heroes easily

    I dont even watch if am has 6 items in 35 i know he can die if all play and want to win nothing else mattters we gona get items too 1 kill 1500 gold allrdy new item

    Wtf is wrong with ppl mentality in dota so fuking bad


      Eh I had a guy troll the game because I bought urn on PL. people just trip too hard sometimes

      주 롄양

        coz for some circumstances, if enemy am had manta bf abys in 25 mins its the same outcome even if u can manage to last 80 mins

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