General Discussion

General DiscussionEnd up in 3k match and wreck

End up in 3k match and wreck in General Discussion

    I wrecked this match, which didnt surprise me by looking at the draft. However how I ended up in this 3k match is a mystery to me.

    But most importantly, I have the feeling I calibrated way too early in my dota CAREER and am now stuck at 1500 MMR. There is no way my old-MMR number has not been used in my latest calibration to recalculate a new approximation. I smell that when the next calibration season begins, the previous MMR will be used again in the calculation.

    Not wanting to base this on a single match but I ended up in some 3k bracket match apparently and wrecked. I've been reviewing more games lately and I think the system is broken as fck. I have a huge winrate, when considering I almost exclusively play solo queue.

    I'm wanting to test my theory out and recalibrate on a new Steam account, just to see where I would get. However I am not even sure how, because you need to verify a phone number of which i only have 1.

    I can imagine there are more players with a similar idea of the mmr system. Is it even worth the prestige to play ranked matches forever to reach 3k and above? I would have to climb 1500 mmr which is approx 109 matches when using 55% winrate. Roughly 73 hours of match time when using avg 40mins per game.

    Тази тема била редактирана

      I ended up in a 3K game is usually said as a bad thing.



        casual gamer

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            Bad Intentions

              Yo OP sup man. If u really a legend playa, u will move up EZ from herald. Just keep on grinding!


                You have ~53% wr in ranked. I think you believe that you deserve some higher mmr which is a fair statement, but saying that from one game alone doesn't really have much merit. Even though it was a 3k average game, it was a pretty low quality game. From the dotabuff profiles that you can see there, you got matched with people with sub 50% win rate, except for one guy. Their draft was very subpar-something that you also noticed. Also, looking from your ranked matches and all your matches in general, you're pretty good at tinker but really hit or miss on almost every other hero. Maybe you could try to learn to play better to climb to where you believe you belong, but from what I see you're in an ok place right now.

                Thinking Your Draft

                  In 3K you will see "Me mid" or SF, INVO, TINKER, MEDUSA always first picked at that games. Farming games always. When they got ganking and died, they will blame no ward, noob supp, no response and bla bla. They are poor at map sight. So, i suggest you to pick supportand always keep ward and mobile all of time to cover that shitty players.


                    @meromeofbacca yes to be fair it takes at least 50 games on a certain hero or perhaps even 100 to master it enough to get good winrates, i guess I could start mastering some other heroes (preferring mid though because I feel i can impact the game the most that way)

                    gotta agree it was a low quality game by looking at the 4 carry opponent team...

                    @thinking_your_draft I secretly replace the word "3k" with "1.5k" and it still applies :p, I cant be arsed to play support much though because although I play to win, the most important thing is to have fun and I have less of that while playing support (level/item progression too slow, any kill you make is a killsteal etc)


                      Well the difference between 1500 and 3000 isn't as high as some retards from Dotabuff think.

                      The skill difference is probably mostly laning-wise, 3ks will last-hit a bit better, which is fucking irrelevant anyways, because, both will throw away lead they've made early on and proceed to feed.

                      So it comes down to how good you can click buttons and how effiecent you can actually farm open map, since in 3k no one farms properely and no one knows how to splitpush.

                      With that being said, there's a good chance you deserve higher MMR, despite that fact I dislike your attidude. You should never draw any coclusions based on just one damn match.

                      I apologize for bad engnado.

                      Friendly player

                        True ^

                        Story Time

                          I calibrated way too early in my dota career and am now stuck at 1500 MMR.

                          wow, what a career xD please make me stop laughing

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!