General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve

How to improve in General Discussion

    I have been playing dota since 2012. I have played both Warcraft's DotA and DotA 2. But I feel like I have not improved as a player and that my skill level is stagnant. I have played numerous roles (1-5). I have watched my replays, and the replays of pro players in their streams and tournament plays. I also try to pick heroes that synergize with my team and counter enemy cores. I have also watched numerous youtube videos.

    But i have not improved. How to git gud?


      watch bsj coaching sessions


        Dota require s vast theoretical knowledge but also mechanical skills, i can watch singsing stream all day long but i cant do what he does to save my life.

        We cant all be champions somebody has to take other places too. Older you are slower you become and your reflexes are more dull, most of the pro players are tje kids in their 20ties

        Play for fun its fucking game afterall if yoi dont have fun change the game!

        chicken spook,,,,

          Dota is one of those competitive game that doesn't rely on fast reflexes if you anticipate their actions

          Just be open minded, be smart with your decisions, and not play the game on autopilot


            I have a different philosophy compared to the prevailing wisdom in this forum. Which is that if you can't improve and you're already ancient level, you ain't going nowhere. You're already like TOP 10% of Dota players. There's only so much you can do to improve to be better at every aspect.

            There's so much information you're required to learn and apply in real time (in game) that some people just arent able to process or grasp certain higher level concepts required to play at higher level.

            Give it up and enjoy the game. You are already a very high skilled player.

            SASA POPOVIC

              Dota is one of those competitive game that doesn't rely on fast reflexes if you anticipate their actions

              Just be open minded, be smart with your decisions, and not play the game on autopilot

              I disagree, fast reflex and quick reaction time can dodge certain hero skills, execute combos, turn around smoke ganks.

              Also you need constant focus and awarness for the whole game duration, not many people can achieve that, thats why only 10% of the population play this game on very high skill its not for evryone.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                if you cant improve after years even when you tried to, the game might not be for you.

                Use chatwhell=mute

                  just enjoy the game. love it.

                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!