General Discussion

General DiscussionAnd they say dota 2 is game of pure skill

And they say dota 2 is game of pure skill in General Discussion
Vermillon Qliphoth

    No first you roll and 18 sided die on getting actual human teammates then and only then maybe it becomes a game of skill but but but statistically if your good you climb and 5k - 6k players can climb ez yes 5k players can carry 2k 9v1 but show me how many 3k to 4k can actually carry 9v1 vs any semi decent team and all of that is without counting how much fuckin time you need to acutally climb when u get a decent team a whole weekend of grinding to just get 200mmr and then all thoses are hours are pissed away like iq of some the people im with after a few unlucky rolls and of course thoses shit games take 30-40mins so so after 10 hours your back to square one and you havent learn anything useful besides, dagon on zeus is trash , dont let your archon carry and that youll never have enough reports .


      you think 3k to 4k is hard? wait until 4k to 5k


        i felt no diffliculty,am i talented?!


          Complaining about teammates while having 48% winrate. LUL


            I think it was Cookie (where is he btw?) who once said:

            Some games are unwinnable. There may be a smurf on the other team, your carry may be trying a new hero, or your support usually plays carry but picked support cause he didn't want a 5hc team and he doesn't actually know how to support. Some of your teammates may be drunk, etc.

            Some games are unloosable. All of the previous facts, but on the other team (except the SF mid booster is in your team). Sometimes you are in the zone. Etc.

            It's all about those games that are 50/50. Making the difference in those games is what makes you rise. And if we are really honest with ourselves, the majority of games are 50/50.

            Potato Marshal

              I have never heard anyone say Dota is pure skill


                Dota is pure skill

                Eat Soup With A Fork

                  (42 games with Meepo, 35% winrate)



                    dont let your archon carry
                    says the legend 1 who was probably archon a week ago


                      When you hoover around some mmr range that pretty means you hit the roof of your skill. No system is perfect, but Dota matchmaking is so far near perfect. It actually puts you where you belong.

                      If you want to get better you have to maintain impact on everygame you play and dont tilt. Tilt is usually what cause lose streaks, not bad teammates.

                      Another thing is that hitting "search game" button doesnt really makes you play better.

                      Use chatwhell=mute

                        btw dota is still diffucult game tho even ur still top 1 on leaderboard.

                        Muhammad Sumbul

                          ^ For lex: TFW the system match me with ancients then.


                            every game is 95% fraud , gl hf trying to raise ur mmr


                              Lol, u will always meet ragers, btw they rage cuz of their big fat pride

                              Mlada i Luda

                                Zodiac, the majority of the games are not even close to 50/50.
                                actually there is no game that is 50/50. that doesnt exist. ( the secret is to figure out how to win those one sided games ).
                                btw cookie was and ignorant adult, that thinks he is good at dota so he can feel good about himself, since there is no other thing is his life. he spent a lifetime spaming 1 hero and practiced 24/7 mechanics of dota, in order to win some imaginary points " mmr".


                                  just curious.. what hero did he spam?

                                  im not going to argue with you, you seem better than me


                                    games wont be skewed unless ur utterly toxic or god of abandon

                                    otherwise u fuckin deserves to get your games skewed

                                    Mlada i Luda

                                      im not gonna talk to you about cookie , or about his obsesion in mmr, and how he like hundreds of dota players spam some broken pub stomper heroes, its waste of time. but it doesnt matter if im bad or better than you in dota, that should not stop you to argue about your ideas.

                                      Vermillon Qliphoth

                                        well at least i got good advice. also another game with archon feeders i guess i should just wait for the compendium to re calibrate while practice ting until then .


                                          calibrated a legend 2 on second account, climbed from 3200 to 3400 but it was rather bad. I got afk players with shadow amulets, falmers, but most disturbing thing is ancient players. They just want to play core role and have a great self identity, its really hard to play with them, can anyone help me??


                                            Can ppl stop commplaining about bad team without any word on their own play? If your team drag you down, why isn`t same with any other pro playar, how you can explains boosting when you see ppl for 5weeks get from 3 to 5k mmr? Just think, they have luck or what? No they just know how to play, put 3k in 1k it`s same as put 5 k in 3k, put 5 k in 4k and he can get 60%win rate there, no problem, he can`t win all games, but he will get possitive win rate, so it`s rissing mmr, getting medals... Or your Eggo can`t agre with that, so you will think that allveys somebody elce fault? Don`t spam one hero but get like 5 heroes for 2 or 3 rolle what isn`t mid core, jungle core and lain core. Also if you have 93% core games, don`t tallk to others "why they don`t want to support me?" because they want to be core too. If you don` t play support how to expect somebody else to be support if you aren`t at first pleace?

                                            Vermillon Qliphoth

                                              i literately address the same exact point in my post feel but i guess reading requires effort instead of talking out your ass and repating the same 2 lines you've memorized but feel free to look at my games and decide.


                                                i felt no diffliculty,am i talented?!

                                                yes you are


                                                  totally agree with this post.


                                                    Lol, its true that some games are unwinnable, and btw im one of those game ruiners who smurf in legend bracket


                                                      The ammount of unwinable games is very low, id say like 10% maybe less.
                                                      If someone would play perfect dota without any mistakes, missplays or not beeing out of Position for whole game He propably would have 90% winrate even in 8k bracket.

                                                      I just watched Midone stream this Week, and its obvious even #3 ladder Player does Tons of missplays every game.

                                                      The Problem is the better your enemy are, the more they will force you into missplays.


                                                        Real skill is not to See missplays, its to avoid Them b4 they happen.

                                                        Il Separatio

                                                          They are humans, r3t4rd3d but humans Krappa

                                                          verified vexillophile

                                                            I think skill brackets are basically perfect at this point. If you are in normal bracket you make bad decisions and inefficient plays. That's not to say that you can't play well but the fundamental decisions are nearly always wrong for example: winning a team fight and not pressuring objectives. Dota (most games in general) essentially boil down to who makes the most mistakes. Higher MMR players make less mistakes than lower MMR players. Your team mates have been matched with you because they make the same number of mistakes. Just because you see then doing something dumb doesn't mean that you don't do dumb stuff yourself. You might think they are going for the wrong item build but they might think that you are dumb because you missed 3 CS per wave. Badges just show how bad you are at this game.


                                                              i was dota1 player i played dota 2 in 2016 and calibrated at 4.4k or i dunno after 1 year im still a 4k player good luck have fun m8

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                Even miracle would lose in my games.

                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!