General Discussion

General DiscussionUP COMING TI 8 COMPENDIUM and TI ranked 2018

UP COMING TI 8 COMPENDIUM and TI ranked 2018 in General Discussion
Sphyrna lewini

    Hi, just quick 2 questions:

    1. Is any one has any idea/prediction/leaking information of the upcoming TI 8 compendium? Will it be based on Dota Plus compendium or be a separate one like the last few years?

    2. Will TI ranked be included again so that you could get a chance to change your mmr?
    Some people said that on NEW account now the max calibration is 3.5 but if you REALLY ARE ABOVE 3.5 (let's say 4.5-5k) and you have money, go purchase a TI compendium, play TI ranked you will get higher than 3.5, is that true for this year? Cause last year there wasn't a Dota Plus compendium so I'm a bit confused.

    I have no idea about these stuff so please reply nicely if you've got any ideas. Much appreciate!

    Solo Leveling

      The compendium was rumored to release in May.

      As for as your MMR calibration questions i'm not sure. I only have 1 account. I can say that last year the Compendium had the Double Down feature on ranked games so you could potentially win or lose 50 MMR per game if you bet on it. Hoping they do something similar because that was a fun system.

      My hunch is that they Integrate DotaPlus into the Compendium, Like if you get a compendium it comes with Dota Plus, because there is some overlap with the features between the two so I dont know how they would create Compendium Challenges and keep them seperately from DotaPlus challenges


        as for MMR calibration i don't see the point of TI ranked it really wasn't effective for uping MMR in the first place and it's only point of existence was because there was no way beside making a new account to calibrate again well there is now! but even if there'll be one it's not really that worthwhile

        Machado98 #xatubaking

          1. TI Battle Pass wiill NOT be included in Dota Plus. Dota Plus only includes Majors and any other Valve event that isn't TI. TI Battle Pass will be sold apart from Dota Plus

          2. Probably yes since many low mmr crybabies will buy the Battle Pass with this in mind thinking that it's their chance to calibrate 5k and be happy. The thing is: international ranked calibration just adds more value to each match in calibration, starting at your current mmr: if you are 3.5k and recalibrate you can go all the way to 4k or 3k flat, if you are 1k you can go up to 1.5k or down to 500mmr (aprox. values).

          It's not a full recalibration, it just gives you the chance to get a little MMR boost if you are really above your bracket

          If you planned to purchase the Battle Pass just to recalibrate I must say it's not worth it, won't change anything

          Sphyrna lewini

            Thanks for all of these replies above. Much appreciate it.

            @Lolórde: well, I know what you meant. But that's why I said if you are really above that 3.5 on a new account then you can hope for a positive recalibration lol. On this account of mine, 1st match TBD ranked was 4.8 average. Then I got 3500 after calibration. It's hard to play with people now! I'm not a smurf, just a normal player that get better than before and I'm hoping to be in a new bracket with balanced games. I mean it should be a way for this. Normal ranked now was limited, should TI ranked be the only solution so that it can be fair to all 4k+ players?


              no you are a dumb kid like all the others at 3.5-ish mmr that make new accounts. >50% winrate and you keep playing. its obvious that you dont belong into this mmr range, you'd rather ruin 50 games on the way down to accept it, i have people like you in every game.

              Sphyrna lewini

                Your name says it all. Gtfo from my post EU Cow!

                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!