General Discussion

General DiscussionBP is out, jealous SEA kids are in

BP is out, jealous SEA kids are in in General Discussion
Noisy Miner

    I feel sad for those people who can't afford bp and tries to reason saying the ones buying em are foolish.
    Hell they even say some highly inspiring stuff xD


      16 y.o hmm


        Ya, I feel so sorry for you😢


          Lvl 1205 for Pinoy casters sounds monkaS


            @Alpha yo my friend have this one extra BP lv 1, you want?


              Add me


                I mean if you had to pay 10 bucks to play ranked I probably would pay. But u guys are tellin me you are spending money on skins? Luuuuul. Ok role mm is kinda cool so no hate there.