General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy no one play brewmaster?

Why no one play brewmaster? in General Discussion
CharmFlex (JustForFun)

    I think brewmaster is a quite easy hero to master, and has great impact to the game too, since he has so many controls.However, no one even bother to play him. Maybe one day brew can become a carry also, just like leshrac?Whats your opinion guys?


      because there's no team play in lower brackets

      Potato Marshal

        Most people don't like microing multiple characters each with their own set of skills.

        CharmFlex (JustForFun)

          Thats right. When I cyclone an enemy up they just stand there abd waiting them to drop....Seems like they dont know the skills of him

          SASA POPOVIC

            Brew is not very micro heavy like visage, meepo and brood, he really shines against illusion heroes, but like every initiator Brew relies on teammates, in lower brackets people dont really know how to play with you so you are much better with straight forward initiators like Axe, Tide for example or Doom who can transfer into a decent core later.

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            Bazooka Joe

              Brood and Visage require a little micro but they are definitely not micro heavy.

              Regarding op, nope I see Brewmaster every now and then in my games.


                i play him quite a lot, with great success in 3k.


                  yo swiss fam would u say brew is harder to learn than micro heroes?

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    No stun on this hero


                      no he is easy, all you need to learn is how to press Tab.

                      the fire spirit you just send running at a supp/blink initiator and then its 2 units to manage, not very hard.


                        How to press tab: click
                        MOuSe cliCk


                          First few games I had absolutely no clue how to play him and only used ult to escape.

                          I too believe He's very underrated. He trades well, and can 1v1 almost any hero as soon as the support rotates even if underleveled a bit. He can piss off the enemy carry with the "BEAR IN UR EYE". Not at all an easy target to gank. and scales really well ( I often carry the games myself). His Ult in early game is almost always a kill on enemy carry in my bracket (probably a double kill if you bait them).
                          If you somehow fail at all that, You still have decent impact with your Ult (send enemy core flying for 6 secs, Debuff, stun) and Drunken Haze on enemy right clicker (Void for eg). You can also become a decent initiator if your team lacks initiation.

                          I believe those are qualities of a good Offlaner hero^

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                            but he is very CD dependent and if his ult is not up he is kind if useless from a pos 3 perspective.

                            he cant push a wave like a beastmaster or a dark seer, he doesnt have a stun like underlord etc.
                            Without his ult he is more like a pos 1 hero when it comes to his abilities.

                            I guess thats why he isnt picked a lot. doesnt offer enough when ult if on cd.


                              I guess people are scared of his 3 unit control ultimate. Brew is one of my main heroes and I can say he has very unique playstyle even without ultimate. He is more like "Heroes of the Storm" hero, then Dota 2.

                              First, his ultimate is not that hard. It's actually 99% times same combo which may sound hard but it's not after some practice.
                              1) R
                              2) Q (earth panda stun)
                              3) Tab E (switch to storm panda and enter invisible for additional damage)
                              4) W another hero (if necessary).
                              5) TAB, TAB to switch again to earth panda for next stun
                              6) repeat 1)

                              Occasionally you will have to lower down cycloned enemy with storm pandas Q or damage Lance illusions with it or something like that. But it's almost never used.

                              Secondly, you have to have good sense of hero to know when you will survive cause of passive and when not.

                              And last thing I guess - you have to be aggressive. Brew is killing machine after some lvls, his clap + crits can literally melt 80% of most heroes hp early game. I often see some Brewmaster who stands near his tower in offlane and not even using W on enemy carry. You HAVE to be aggresive and set up game for you, because otherwise he is useless. It's not Underlord or Beastmaster, Brew is actually position 2, may be 3, hero. If lower he losing all his potential and game making. May be thats one of the reasons why is he not picked. Or you head up game with Brew, or you are useless.

                              If played properly Brewmaster is very strong offlane/mid hero.

                              Still you can have 15 3 10 kda on Brew AND lose game. His power slowly decrease over game and in most games he needs good 'back up' plan B as in safe lane carry who has some items. It also depends on how you build Brewmaster (focusing items and talents on his pandas or on his right-click), Aghanim is great on him, but only if you have carry in your team to use your initiation and teamfight set up.

                              I build him in that way - bracer, phase boots, drums, blink - it's essential. Drums helps with chasing and some mana + hp for early game skirmishes, without it Brew is actually weak and has no mana, speed and HP for successful early fight. Blink Dagger is obviously core item on him. As an alternative to Drums Vladimir's Offering is good too.
                              Then aghanim and game usually over.
                              Or bkb, cuirass, basher for carry-ish style.

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                                Radiance brew is the best

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