General Discussion

General DiscussionPheonix discussion

Pheonix discussion in General Discussion

    In the few games I’ve played so far pheonix is absolutely god teir low mmr it’s not even funny the buff to the hero makes the landing phase so easy when you burn through all of the carries regen by spamming your w whenever you get your health to full. Once you get tranquils you don’t even have right click because the w can clear waves with two spirits then you can move to a camp to kill that. And eventually you just do pheonix things and win the game.


      Hello, 0 armor squish Lord garbage early laner would like a word
      He is deceptively strong at like lvl 3 or maybe 5 with each firespirits lvl, but he is still pretty to just getting harassed out of lane


        'garbage early laner' LUL AOE 320 damage -80 attack speed for 80 mana. LVL 1

        He's good in Dual lanes with an 'inyaface' offlaner.. Axe, Beastmaster, panda come to mind.

        Heros good

        arrogant adolescent

          Mr. babuska is doing great even as solo offlaner without upgrading his boots to tranquils
          He has ~75% wr with that hero in ranked and currently is a top 100 player or so
          Strongly recommend you to watch his streams, even if you dont understand cyka language KKomrade

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Fire Spirits are hard to hit. Slow projectile and you can't stack the burn damage.
            Phoenix is not a good lane support. He's like Warlock I suppose?
            Pos 5 with big ults, except that Warlock is easier to play and lanes better. He can throw all his skills at the start of the fight, while Phoenix a lot of times can't get to use Sun Ray before Supernova.

            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!