General Discussion

General DiscussionAm I playing warlock wrong?

Am I playing warlock wrong? in General Discussion

    Legitimately I find myself completely useless late game dieing instantly and am just spamming 2nd skill early game on either enemy or ally.

    Is there any trick to him? He's picked so much and has a WR of 54.

    Item build or something help pls.

    I thought it's mana boots wand into scepter then refresher.

    More info I'm 4.6k solo I've lost the last 5 games that I first picked him.

    Тази тема била редактирана

      warlock late game is scary
      use fatal bond and ult to initiate or counter initiate
      also buy glimmer


        Instead of maxing 2nd ability, go for 4-2-1. Fatal bounds is a ridiculous skill.


          Like all position 5 heroes, you need to position yourself well.

          You don't even need to farm for that scepter / refresher to be useful late game. What you need to keep in mind is to maximize the capability of fatal bonds (at least 3 heroes hit and it would be even better if all cores were affected).

          Btw, I also max fatal bonds first. It is instant money early game when you chained it to other heroes (kills usually go to you when they kill the main target)

          Potato Marshal

            Shadow word is crap beyond the laning stage. Start maxing out fatal bonds once the laning stage is about to end.


              Well it depends on the line up. It is already hard to get level, unless you are leeching exp from your carry, so you should maximize what you really need in team fights. I don't even max 2nd skill right away because it is already sufficient at lvl 2 or 3.

              SASA POPOVIC

                Just stay behind your cores and spam fatal bonds, that skill is retarded, you should never lead the charge and be in the center of teamfight as pos5, you will die from AOE they dont even have to focus you.

                Only way to play lockie is fatal bonds before you colide into clash, drop the rock and channel upheaval and just glimmer yourself, golems and your team will do the rest, if you have guchi mechanic you can be fancy and pop 2nd on your Core.

                He is really best pos5 support in this meta, provides healing for your core in laning stage so 2-1-2 meta cant shit on him and zone him out, if they want to push in they have to think twice because fatal bonds does so much damage and you can land rock on their heads later.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  never rush scepter. upheavel and bonds are very impactful if you use them properly. use your ulti to counter-initiate rather than using it first.

                  BSJ. LGD

                    the trick is farming the jungle with the golem and buying good items. i have 100% win rate on warlock playing him properly on this account and my smurf.


                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      can't help you out tere because im also crap at the hero.
                      ive been liking tranquil euls build. movespeed + mana regen + time buying machine is so gud

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