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TheVeryFamous.ar3a, Most popular
Theveryfamousar3a1234 gets a RAMPAGE!
Helsinki REDS vs Unchained Esports
joinDOTA League #14
0:53 7 2 229
TheVeryFamous.ar3a gets a double kill!
Unchained Esports vs OG
The International 2018 Open Qualifiers
0:27 2 0 210
TheVeryFamous.ar3a gets a double kill!
Hippomaniacs vs Unchained Esports
joinDOTA League #14
0:18 5 0 320
TheVeryFamous.ar3a's triple kill leads to a team wipe!
The International 2018 Open Qualifiers
0:26 6 0 106
TheVeryFamous.ar3a gets a double kill!
Unchained Esports vs OG
The International 2018 Open Qualifiers
0:19 2 0 119
TheVeryFamous.ar3a1234 gets a double kill!
Slice N' Dice vs Spotnet
ProDotA Cup by Azubu
0:49 6 0 65
TheVeryFamous.ar3a kills OG.7mad!
The International 2018 Open Qualifiers
0:10 1 0 142
TheVeryFamous.ar3a gets a double kill!
Hippomaniacs vs Unchained Esports
joinDOTA League #14
0:27 3 0 199
Theveryfamousar3a1234 gets a RAMPAGE!
Helsinki REDS vs Unchained Esports
joinDOTA League #14
0:18 3 0 103
TheVeryFamous.ar3a kills ana!
Unchained Esports vs OG
The International 2018 Open Qualifiers
0:10 1 0 129
TheVeryFamous.ar3a1234 gets a double kill!
Evil Corporation vs Team Singularity
Uprise Champions Cup: Special
0:26 5 0 72
Theveryfamousar3a1234 gets a double kill!
WU TANG vs Unchained Esports
joinDOTA League #14
0:24 4 0 96
TheVeryFamous.ar3a kills OG.7mad!
The International 2018 Open Qualifiers
0:18 1 0 64
TheVeryFamous.ar3a kills OG.7mad!
The International 2018 Open Qualifiers
0:14 1 0 67
TheVeryFamous.ar3a1234 gets a double kill!
Slice N' Dice vs Spotnet
ProDotA Cup by Azubu
0:23 4 0 53
Theveryfamousar3a1234 gets a double kill!
WU TANG vs Unchained Esports
joinDOTA League #14
0:27 3 0 90
Theveryfamousar3a1234 gets a double kill!
Unchained Esports vs URUK-HIGH
joinDOTA League #14
0:25 2 0 128
TheVeryFamous.ar3a takes First Blood on THK.mamagozo  !
The International 2018 Open Qualifiers
0:14 1 0 264
TheVeryFamous.ar3a1234 kills Sh4dowehh!
ProDotA Cup by Azubu
0:10 1 0 262
Theveryfamousar3a1234 gets a double kill!
Helsinki REDS vs Unchained Esports
joinDOTA League #14
0:24 2 0 103
TheVeryFamous.ar3a1234 gets a double kill!
Slice N' Dice vs Spotnet
ProDotA Cup by Azubu
0:31 3 0 48
TheVeryFamous.ar3a kills SabeRLighT-!
Hippomaniacs vs Unchained Esports
joinDOTA League #14
0:10 1 0 222
TheVeryFamous.ar3a kills SabeRLighT-!
Hippomaniacs vs Unchained Esports
joinDOTA League #14
0:10 1 0 215
TheVeryFamous.ar3a kills SabeRLighT-!
Hippomaniacs vs Unchained Esports
joinDOTA League #14
0:10 1 0 209