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64 коментара

    Don't want to be "that" guy but there is a small typo in the second paragraph. It should be "there is a jungle" not "their is a jungle".

    Fun read though. Good work!


      @froghouse no, BE that guy :) My proofreading eyes are getting old :< thanks!


        when path?

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          Nice post. I do think Invoker need some nerfs, but he is the kind of hero everyone wants to see in competitive. I think the actual problem is with his summons and coldsnap, and maybe increasing the SS cd. Still, I hope he doesn't get nerfed to oblivion.

          Wonder Man

            Pudge and Sniper are the most played heroes in Dota2, isnt it?(check alltime stat)


              Interesting article!

              LightOfHeaven played Enigma during The Play from TI2. Puppey played Enchantress that game.


                nerf them, or buff their counters

                Yedan Derryg

                  No don't be that guy, for that guy is me >:O.
                  Also since when is Pudge so unique, yes he is amazingly good and strong if played right but the hero is not as unique as stated.


                    i hope there are new things happening with io with 6.87


                      Rat dota would still exist with Lycan and Arc Warden imo. These heroes both offer safe, viable, strategies to rat in more situations than most heroes. (Almost typed hereos, I LOVE DOUBLE STUFFED HEREOS :D)

                      this is the truth

                        maybe huskar will stop being a ranged suicidal creep


                          Every day until Techies is buffed.

                          The DarKNovA

                            So...any word on when the new patch will arrive, or should we assume it will be last minute before Manila Majors?
                            I don't think it's very fair, or good communication from the devs to never say anything for when we can expect the new patch, especially since they come so rarely. Like, mind keeping us "plebs" in the loop for a change, Valve?

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              They nerfed the blast of the cold snap like sniper headshot was a bash? Why cant they just reduce the damage or int growth? :(

                              YUNG ALSA

                                Nerf this fucking OD and Invoker already


                                  Idk about you guys, but that enigma is looking JACKED af! :D

                                  the Goat

                                    BRING BACK 75 RAZE MANA COST


                                      Only I noticed OmniKnight is op as fuck? I mean free bkbs. 360 pure nuke. a slow aura that pierces bkb and of course why not a 100% evasion for a period of time to all his friends.
                                      I know I know get a diffusal blade but still it is better than many other supports out there, his winrate is big for a reason it is not a coincidence


                                        You're talking about the perfect support player, which doesn't exist in this game :)
                                        If he were to, then omni would indeed be OP.

                                        mr. swag boss

                                          No mention to Batrider? That guy's been slapped with the nerf bat so many times and he's STILL a good hero.


                                            Omni not really broken when he face brewmaster as his enemy ;)


                                              Why you come out????


                                                Storm spirit please

                                                $LUNA $LYNK

                                                  nerf spectre pls fucking annoying


                                                    Am I the only who kept on passing the mouse over the "28.0 seconds to 28 seconds" part just to see if they'd include the vacuum animation as well?


                                                      LOL Enigma was nowhere to be seen at Tier 1 matches for a good year since pre-TI5. Stood the test of time? More like disappeared in his own Black Hole and Interstellared his way out of it right now.

                                                      Really @eggs... don't refer to DotA as a MOBA. It's a degrading term made by Riot for LoL. Show some respect for the coders that built this game to what it is today; from Euls to Icefrog.

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                      Buyback enjoyer

                                                        fucking bring back techies ....


                                                          In the last paragraph, the "two of the most played" directs to most played players, not heroes...


                                                            IT WAS LightofHeaven who played enigma in The Play. Please get your facts right author.

                                                            B A T E M A N

                                                              Meepo so original which is fun because of his ult


                                                                yea. if u guys think invoker is op, just reduce some of the spells damage or int growth as some guy above said! that's wise! I mean. Look how much damage does Earth spirit spells does. Well, it's ok one spell does silence too, and the other one stuns, but it's so reduced. only real nerd guys can play it. like bat rider move speed could be increased by 5 or AA damage buffed by 2%? it is so annoying to last hit with him. you got to be so damn concentraded. it varies a lot.


                                                                  No Shadowfiend?


                                                                    I want Storm Spirit,Techies,Lycan,Troll Warlord,Medusa to be buffed alot like invoker !

                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                    I Count to J

                                                                      Nice article, I've never seen that level 1 Furion courier snipe at 3:22 before hahaha nice jokes mate. Nice article! One question though, is Dark Seer starting in jungle really a thing? I don't think I've ever seen it in my pubs and I've only seen it in pro once, Alliance running it against I think CoL during their final game of Shanghai BibleThump.


                                                                        icedaun,on nikogda ne sdelaet ety igry normalnoi

                                                                        House Cat

                                                                          BRING BACK SF PLEASE! at least 80 mana raze pls, and the presence of the dark lord (3,4,5,6) is useless late game >.<

                                                                          kunst 2

                                                                            How people still can play enigma, I just randomed him in single draft and felt like shit whole match. Or maybe im just noob, not sure


                                                                              nerf OD pls


                                                                                Мяу... Верните Шторма...
                                                                                Meow...Return the Storm Spirit...

                                                                                typical. 🎃

                                                                                  I'm confused. Enigma disappeared for easily at least a year and has really only emerged back into the pro scene since Shanghai.


                                                                                    Idk if anyone said this yet, but in The Play LightOfHeaven played the Enigma, not Puppey. Puppey was on Enchantress.


                                                                                      please nerf od and spectre


                                                                                        Please delete ult spectre or nerf passive skills

                                                                                        Bill Cosby

                                                                                          if you take away my 75%winrate spectre I'm comeing to your god damn house


                                                                                            even tho i hate current meta heroes i dont think they should be nerfed to that point when they become useless, for example change od's arcane orb to not deal pure dmg or something, or increase spectre's cd on ulty, idk. i dont like that way of approach when they make some hero ridiculously op just so they can completely ruin it in next patch. i honestly hope that wont happen for invoker.


                                                                                              buff furion please :3

                                                                                              ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                                                kudos to play for fun not to win. if the pro scene is no more at least give life back to the everyday joe player


                                                                                                  PLease remove the Mana Break - unique attack modifier of Anti Mage


                                                                                                    nice DBZ reference eggs xD

                                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                      To all the people bitching about Spectre. Stop it. Please. She's actually worse in this meta than she has been for as long as I've played her. The early game stomp heroes like DP, OD and voker have seen to that. If you are losing to Spec, then I'm sorry but you just need to git gud. End before 35min. Ez win. Don't be an idiot and give her time to come online. Pick a strong offlaner. That is all.