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    When you are watching again like this: wtf are you doing TnC??


      Ah, those final moments of EG. Still gonna blame those drafts and bans (or not bans).

       uhm

        About time they replace cr1t- >:(

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            I'm sure everyone on EG played bad, yes you can say the draft was not ideal and it didn't make sense or didn't put the players in a comfortable position, but each individual had a very weak showing at this TI this year, especially Universe, he used to be so much more consistent with his positioning and way more effective in terms of map usage.


              It was obvious that liquid will be the champion/.


                this turnamen very nice


                  take me to eg


                    like wtf TnC lol


                      Pinoys collectively smacked their hands in their face when they saw that throw by TNC.

                      STOP! In the name of the ...
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                            Newbee.uuu9's ultra kill? I think you meant Moogy

                            Brünk Hüll

                              Looking back at the tournament I'd say the biggest takeaways were as follows:

                              Liquid: These guys had the meta figured out, and were too diverse to outdraft. It quite often reminded me of Newbee during TI4 being uncounterable. They showed just how amazing NP is right now, and it definitely took me off guard to see the hero doing so well. The patch notes addressed a specific thing I saw often: Sprout gives so much vision, and works perfectly for this guerilla 'farm from the trees' method being used recently.

                              LFY: this is the second time a prospect team from LGD performed better than the main squad (CDEC was originally LGD.CDEC and retained its roster after dropping LGD), and bodes well for the managers at LGD. They may not have an aegis under their belt, but their track record suggests that it won't be long before they do.

                              EG: I'd say only Universe is safe on the roster right now. It's unlikely that more than two will depart, but I wouldn't be surprised by anyone leaving.

                              Newbee: Faith came out of nowhere to secure his second grand finals. I don't think anyone would have expected him of all past winners to secure a second aegis.

                              OG: I'm expecting a huge pickup for their carry.

                              Resolution: This guy is a hot commodity. I could see him going to EG, OG, Secret, his experience with multinational teams gives him a large pool of teams, and anyone would be lucky to have this ICCup man, and he would be dumb to sign with a dead end team right now like Empire.

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