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29 коментара

    Axe easily wins the line with range sup especially thin enemy carry


      "Axe easily wins the line with range sup especially thin enemy carry" says the guy who is GUARDIAN 5. Lmao


        i think zoo meta offlaner is back in this patch with the help of helm of Overlord for the universal hero like beast lycan abbadon etc. also neutral creeps buffs in this patch.


          AXE IS AXE


            @2 skill blaming other people.... not cool


              smurf attacking other people, nice one dude


                Windranger kinda crazy everywhere, so offlane isn't the most surprising

                Заряжен как дюраселл

                  ""Axe easily wins the line with range sup especially thin enemy carry" says the guy who is GUARDIAN 5. Lmao" says the guy who has no life. Lmfao

                  I GO MIDAS, YOU TALK= RUI...

                    ""Axe easily wins the line with range sup especially thin enemy carry" says the guy who is GUARDIAN 5. Lmao" says the guy who has no life. Lmfao" SAYS THE GUY WHO IS STILL CRUSADEEEEEEEEER 4 AT THE AGE OF 35years old. :)

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      I think Underlord should be mentioned. The hero spots a 11% pickrate with a good winrate.


                        slardar bad now((((


                          @2 why so toxic? Axe might actually do those things in Guardian 5 and work. That's the great thing about different skill players and skill based matchups. What might not work at your level can work at other people's. Small brained people like you are the reason so many stop playing DOTA. Get a grip and give your head a wobble.


                            I'm slowly starting to adjust to the current gameflow as an offlaner, switching to more damage oriented builds and having supports picking up pipe and greaves. The role still feels undervalued by the team in my games. I'm missing Timbersaw on this list, btw!

                            I GO MIDAS, YOU TALK= RUI...

                              "@2 why so toxic? Axe might actually do those things in Guardian 5 and work. That's the great thing about different skill players and skill based matchups. What might not work at your level can work at other people's. Small brained people like you are the reason so many stop playing DOTA. Get a grip and give your head a wobble." SAYS THE GUY WHO PLAY AT CRUSADER 5. Lmaoooo

                              мертвый поэт

                                @2 wtf ur just an ancient. Still low mmr + worst and most toxic rank in dota.

                                I GO MIDAS, YOU TALK= RUI...

                                  "@2 wtf ur just an ancient. Still low mmr + worst and most toxic rank in dota." says the guys who is also CRUSADER Lmaoooooooo U might wanna recheck your mmr count compare to mine :)


                                    @2 your comments and your trash tier smurf account can get out of here bro

                                    I GO MIDAS, YOU TALK= RUI...

                                      "@2 your comments and your trash tier smurf account can get out of here bro" SAYS THE GUY WHO BOUGHT HIS ACCOUNT COZ OBVIOUSLY YOU WERE IN IMMO RANKED 3.7k AND NOW ONLY DIVINE 4 :) KEEP IT GOING.

                                      Memento Mori

                                        Offlane Sand King with auras seems very strong. Only thing that threatens him is high magic damage if you go vanguard. 90% winrate in 10 games. Axe is my fav offlane hero but he sucks this patch. I am 0 from 4. Need to try Dark Zeer nexrt. He has been buffed so hard

                                        мертвый поэт

                                          @2 ayo wake up everything less than 6k mmr is the same trash can, what makes u think that u r any better than any other low mmr player? (despite the fact that u were some guardian in the last patch and randomly got ancient after calibration)

                                          I GO MIDAS, YOU TALK= RUI...

                                            "@2 ayo wake up everything less than 6k mmr is the same trash can, what makes u think that u r any better than any other low mmr player? (despite the fact that u were some guardian in the last patch and randomly got ancient after calibration)" SURE KEEP QUEUING YOUR 2k MMR AND PLAY WITH BRAINLESS DOGS LIKE YOU :) SABURESU PROUD TO BE CRUSADEEEER! :)))

                                            I GO MIDAS, YOU TALK= RUI...

                                              @Saburesu, How does it feel to be in a 9 games losing streak while playing in a LOW QUALITY MMR GAMES :)))) Keep talking doggy. Take note, You play with you own Stack and still lose. Thats how bad you and your friends are :) 1k braindog max.

                                              dawnbreaker legs

                                                come on man shut ur ass even if axe was bad you have no right to talk about whats good in dota ur so fcking garbage how could you know what heroes work good at the game when u r so lowskilled xd

                                                I GO MIDAS, YOU TALK= RUI...

                                                  "come on man shut ur ass even if axe was bad you have no right to talk about whats good in dota ur so fcking garbage how could you know what heroes work good at the game when u r so lowskilled xd" SAYS THE GUY WHO IS 300MMR AHEAD LOL YOU ARE NOT EVEN HIGH MMR AND U PLAY IN A SHITTY SERVER VIVA LA PERU! FOOOOCKING MNGGOLOID LNGUAGE

                                                  chai chillum chapati

                                                    Guys, Axe can be decent in most games till Archon. I spammed axe from Herald to Archon.

                                                    мертвый поэт

                                                      @2 ah yes loosing streak in turbo when I'm just farming hero tiers for shards wow that bothers me so much and probably insults me yeah. I mean ur so proud of randomly getting 4k after recalibration that ur tryharding in insulting lower ranks even through 4k plays rn is something on herald level (literally watched typical 5k game yesterday with pl aghanim first item building through point booster and pos 5 wyvern with fast witchblade). Ah anyway what else to expect from the worst rank in whole game?

                                                      мертвый поэт

                                                        @2 also I bet ur russian or something with that ":)))))" shit, pls stop so fking cringe (or mb it's just a genius rofl but I doubt)