+1. Get Ghosts or Ethereals + magic nukes or disables that go through bkb. the idea is either to kill him before he rages, or survive his rage then kill him. Or just rightclick him if your DPS is high enough.
If it´s a jungle Naix, just gank him constantly so he won´t get money and XP. A Naix without farm isn´t really scary at all. Beside that, a lot of stuns really help, so you can stunlock him. A hero like Dark Seer also has it´s uses I guess, as his wall works really greatly when Naix is farmed, and in lane he can surge away when Naix tries to kill him.
Beast master, Bane, forcestaff(item), enigma, magnus, batrider, etc.
if u notice that all these heroes have ulties that go through magic immunity
ethreal alrdy mentioned, heaven halberd is useless against LS, his rage removes it maybe?
Diffu > stops bkb.
Diffu > rage? ( not sure dont know )
After rage ends you can active heaven's herbald
antimage with manta and basher
phantom lancer with diffusal
drow ranger with boots of speed
Drow doesn't really counter Naix. If you have Rage and Open Wounds as Naix, Drow is dead meat.
"Diffu > stops bkb."
Wait, I am confused now :D You mean purge stops bkb ? I dont think so coz its not buff (same for rage)
I solo'd a Lifestealer yesterday with Anti-Mage. Make sure if you're carrying against him, you build ARMOR and EVASION, not health since he does bonus damage based on how much HP you have. I completely skipped Vanguard that game and went straight into a Butterfly and killed him like it was nothing.
razor + static link = dead naix......... even goes thru bkb
nuff said
force staff
ghost scepter
these 2 items are really fucking awesome.. i hate it when im playing naix the enemys get these...
stun, diffusal, poison, any disabler will do the thing...
bashers or bashing heroes r gd, void is best for LS, one chrono and he is dead, razor is rly gd, also i forgot to mention, never go raw hp against LS, go fly or halberd(for the evasion not the disarm)
like if u r pudge dont and never go heart, go shiva or assault, pudge isnt a carry but assault works well wwith him(armor buff)
and the last time i saw an antimage with a vanguard was like 5-6 months ago..
fury is core for him..
I do, I just got confused and said shit like I mostly do :D
Diffu > Omni's repel. ( checked it) nothing else. :<
And I am new at dota 2, dota 6.76 > diffu > bkb
Being new to DOTA 2 is no excuse to not knowing mechanics when >90% are same as DotA.
You really have no clue what you're talking about.
Back in the trench you go!
You got way too much free time to lurk around these forums rofl
Razor fucks him up indeed. But if you go pure evasion on him, chances are he'll build an MKB and your evasion will be nothing.
yo just get some armor-decrease item, naix's armor is so low and his health is not that high, he cannot survive long if 5 ppl aim at him together when he gets negative or very low armor. I always use this method to fuck naix.
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Very simple guys, Ill like to see a few strategies to counter naix.