General Discussion

General DiscussionA simple suggestion to end this DBR issue.

A simple suggestion to end this DBR issue. in General Discussion
Stunna Shade*deaf*

    Don't show numbers but show ranks.


    Would make a big difference.


      So, why have the DBR poll?

      Stunna Shade*deaf*

        Should have never happened.

        Why bring another layer of frustration into the game?

        tveni tveni

          Frustration if you're bad, that is


            I am not bad and still dont want it to be public (and voted for private too)
            Because other people will look these ratings up and just behave on that the whole game long.
            In a good matchmaking system there will 50% of the people I play with be better than me obviously. And there will be some retards among these who than think I should play support just because of that, ignoring the fact that my rating as support only would be much worse.
            I dont fear my stats to be public even if I would be at 20% (though I guess Im at 85-90%), but people ranting all game long about this little number which says nothing in the actual matchmaking-game.
            That will affect the community in a really bad way :(


              One suggestion, people are awarded metals for actually doing something better than others,
              Bronze - trash
              Silver - noob
              Gold - player
              Platinum - imba
              Diamond - pro

              Comment not to be taken seriously, these brackets make no sense, percentile and exact dbr value are much much more valueable.

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                DotA community is already horrible and can't get any worse.

                This can give only comprehensive information.

                People who would be assholes will be assholes anyway. Cool people will keep not giving a fuck.

                Everyone who's strictly against it is a baby.

                Sacred Relics

                  Baby pls Hon community waits you... Only E-Penis babies wants FORCED-public DBR


                    @Sacred Relics
                    Private DBR cry babies like you are inherently noob to begin with. Let the number provide incentive to get better, instead of wishing it was hidden and staying bad the rest of your dota 2 career.


                      agree with BNi-PoweR. (And he was a noob in Wc3 RoC, everybody saw his bad stats - i know what I'm sayin)

                      SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT


                        The number can provide incentive even when private. There is no need to see others ratings other than your own. The rating is on a fixed scale, it is not cumulative, therefor by having a private rating you can see how well you stack up with the community (which is the purpose is it not?). What benefit do you get from seeing another persons rating? I'm curious.

                        Sacred Relics

                          "Let the number provide incentive to get better, instead of wishing it was hidden and staying bad the rest of your dota 2 career" This is a good reason to improve your Dota2 experience!

                          Sacred Relics

                            Again -> If you miss Hon experience and community switch back to Hon

                            BOT Adam

                              I think that this rating system will make people play better. A new goal to achive.


                                so no DBR right?


                                  "Shut up Bronze scum, It's not like people of your rank know what is good or not"


                                    Two simple words for all the arguments...

                                    IT BEGINS.

                                    Woof Woof

                                      "Lol look at this retard from diamond, 30 year old virgin, go get laid nerd"


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