General Discussion

General DiscussionEthereal Blade

Ethereal Blade in General Discussion
유료 배우

    Hi I'm just starting a topic on the Ethereal Blade.

    I have been looking into this item and understand why it is not a common pick up but I would like to hear of players experience with this item outside of the standard Morphling build

    I had a Bane game where I built a blink dagger and ghost scepter after soul ring, arcane boots and a point booster so I decided to build an ethereal blade instead of a Aghanim's Scepter (we where stomping).

    I did not expect to see good results (I annoyed our Life Stealer a little bit) but the team utility was decent none the less making it easy to set kills for the teams nukers.

    I summerise the Ethereal blade as a decent pick up for a support hero over the Aghanim's for a team with many nukes to help burst down targets and because it comes out of a ghost scepter it shouldnt be to hard to get

    So please post about the ethereal blade here good results or bad I would like to hear more about this rarely used item

    special mentions to

    Wade Sansom


    who ever this anti mage is lol


      I used to do etheral blade on snipe first time and at level 11 just 1 hit any of their team with blade -> ulty LOL was funny gets boring though


        i always make etheral blade first item on skeleton king


          w8, on SK, why?
          he is a physical dmg dependant hero..
          enlighten us pls, and about the ethereal blade, its gd for heroes with burst dmg, like lina, luna, lion, and only for those with who can burst someone to death, for bane, he cant burst someone down, he would kill many heroes but it is done slowly, as his ulti is channeling..
          but it would increase ur ulti dmg for a max of 3 seconds though ..

          유료 배우

            you are right bane does not do the burst damage so much brain sap is 300 pure though. It helped for the other heroes who did not build one with burst damage, they can have there standard build and you can support them. It can also be used defensively as protection from those pesky dps heroes. But basically i only did this because we were already winning and i had 4k and thought it was funny to up my ghost scepter.

            lol sniper with an ethereal might try that for something new.

            I have herd that natures prophet can use one if he goes for dagon rush (supose any hero that dagon rushes could use e blade)


              Heroes I've used and thought E-Blade was a good choice,
              Sniper,Morph, Nyx, Bloodseeker, Shadow fiend
              There are more but those are the ones I tend to build E blade on if I want to have fun excluding morph because it's too common on him/her.


                Sniper EB...

                so basically, you cut assassinate's range by 80% (which is the fucking reason it's called fucking assassinate) just so you can deal an extra burst damage, +40% extra damage on a hero. GG


                  think about it, You're solo mid
                  hit hit E-BLADE ultimate dead, I've played it enough times to know how it works.
                  Only cons is ganks but meh it's for fun purpose i never said it was viable in higher tier games


                    Sorry, as the usual captain and strategist of my team, I tend to think in high tier games. It could be fun, depends on support and enemy though. if enemy isn't organized and tends to solo a lot, even in mid game, then that would definitely be a blast. If not, then it's gonna suck.


                      @cM^Trick : So you got EB when laning phase still ongoing ? Wow..


                        When you're sniper and getting every single creep it's either fun item or rapier which I tend to do rapier nowadays.
                        Edit: If you can't farm fast I wouldn't suggest it after 3+ items, so it's either after treads/wand or first item.

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          EB and Orchid on huskar = instagibs every hero no matter how much hp

                          *from dotacinema*

                          유료 배우

                            To summarize the Ethereal blade it amplifies damage so big nukes work on it like Life break, huskar and assassinate, sniper or any other burst damage spells.

                            So really the ethereal blade is over all rated a low priority pick up as there are many better items to pick up or its too expensive at 4,900k

                            But lets look at the other pick ups in this price bracket like Shivas gaurd, Aghanim's Scepter, Ac and hex etc

                            So as a carry unless your Morphling would you get one or would the supports find a way to pick up such items

                            vodkagaming | LOSPROGAMEROS states that Huskar can "instagib" a target under the effect of an orchid and an ethereal blade, So surely there is a way to use this both competitively and in pubs though I fear the later may just be wishful thinking.

                            So far over the discussion on this forum and from other sources the best heroes for Ethereal blade can net there own kills but I'm looking for more like gank combos.

                            Natures prophet with an ethereal blade teleports to target and ethereal blades them, to net this kill which hero would you pick to help Natures prophet and outside the lane stages would you find this a worth while way to net a kill

                            on a side note how would Slark react to the ethereal blade with his darck pact I ask this only because I see a hex as common pickup on this hero and would like to know not so much if ethereal is an alternative to hex but whether or not it can be used well


                              Ethernal blade + dagon 5 ez win dude I do it all the time there isn't a game where I lost with this incredible amazing op shit.


                                because bkb


                                  eb/diffusal is super good on agi sups like potm.
                                  its so good u see sometimes ppy gets it on chen for his carries.