General Discussion

General DiscussionDotA Team? [More Info Inside!]

DotA Team? [More Info Inside!] in General Discussion

    Hi, I'm looking to find players to form a team. Being realistic, i ain't looking to go exceptionally professional at all just yet. Just looking for moderately well players(who are willing to learn and take constructive criticism). This is just so as to get a feel playing as a full team learning more team play, coordination as a team, etc.

    More will be discussed as a team. (:
    If interested please leave your...
    [Steam ID/Name]
    [Role you'd like to play/learn/train on]
    [Country(preferably SEA countries)]
    [Dotabuff Profile]

    Thanks. (: Currently have myself and one other player now. Still looking for three more.(Gankers/Supports/Carries)

    P.S. My DBR score when it was still avail was near the upper tier at Diamond. Not saying I'm professional. But maybe we can teach each other a thing or two by playing together. (:


      support, hard support or ganker


        iam a hard pro carry


          u didnt mention playing times

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            @ED^MapzOr mmms. true but i guess i could just check Dotabuff profiles. (: interested? (:

            @Lex61505 Country? :O you've got quite little games a little hard to assess. :/


              Hey Shinzi
              Live from Phillipines
              Plays Hard carry , long lane, jungle
              dont expect to check my profile cause my games right now are not recording
              won several tournaments on com shops
              i am fairly happy talk on the mic or even on video
              but dont expect me to go hard support

              really intrested on being in a team :))

              JAM SHUME PRO

                iam from Eu games means shit



                  Support/hard support/ganker


                  Ming (Zufälliger König)


                    Ganker / Semi , Hard carry (professional hard carry)


                    Click on my name

                    p:s , ignore my last naix game, my team was full of retards and i totally lost mood to play. rage quitted

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      Milpersian, support/roamer, usa, dotabuff profile is the same as my name.


                        @Sasha hey uh have you set your settings so that dotabuff can access your games?
                        @Lex61505 hey uhm. thanks for the add but i dont think i can play EU games without like a 20 second lag. :/
                        @amzz add me up. (: lets play a few games. :D
                        @Ming add me up. (: lets play a few games. :D
                        @Milpersian mmms. i can try playing some US games. but guaranteed wont be as great but i'd give it a shot? (:

                        Ming (Zufälliger König)

                          i cant find you in steam. can u link me to your steamcommunity page?

                          Ming (Zufälliger König)

                            nvm, added you!


                              the problem is that at the current moment im in like 3 teams..
                              no time for another team, though i was interested, my teams r all bunch of noobs
                              this is the one which we play with on public TMM:
                              just check any game, and u would understand wut im saying


                                hit me back
                                i can play all
                                jungle / mid / support / ganker

                                Biggest Brother Bear

                                  Steam name : g8h8y8
                                  Role : Carry, Solo mid, Semi carry/Ganker
                                  Country : Malaysia

                                  Add me up .

                                  Dota 2 enjoyer

                                    [Role you'd like to play/learn/train on]
                                    [Country(preferably SEA countries)]
                                    [Dotabuff Profile]

                                    Steam name: /SLASH1
                                    Role: Solo mid/Offlane/Carry can support too.
                                    Country: Philippines

                                    I stopped my dotabuff update a month ago, you can check it or just add me.


                                      @Superteletubby accepted your F/R will play together soon
                                      @EsoooN will accepted your F/R but please update your DB profile again. (:
                                      @shakalakazoo uhh add me up? do you have a specific role you'd like to play?

                                      @To All: Sorry to those who i've added up and havent followed up with you on games and etc. yet. Been quite busy lately and didnt have much time to play. Will catch up with you all ASAP.


                                        [Steam Name] : theracist
                                        [Role] : Solo mid,Offlane,Exceptional Carry
                                        [Country] : Europe
                                        [Dotabuff Profile] : Lolskil

                                        If you need a rly good carry,look at my games,if you like them add me...


                                          @Lolskil sorry! i've decided that it'll be hard to take in players from other regions as it'll be hard due to ping issues, timing difference, etc. sorry. ):

                                          Sum Dickson

                                            [Steam Name]:_killer_39
                                            [Role]: Support, Ganker
                                            [Country]: Singapore
                                            [Dotabuff Profile]: kapak212

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                            Chill out ma boy

                                              [Steam ID/Name] : Dota2cn6
                                              [Role you'd like to play/learn/train on]: Semi-carry / ganker / solo
                                              [Country(preferably SEA countries)]: Europe
                                              [Dotabuff Profile]: M I K E


                                                @Kapak212 added up. will play some games together

                                                @M I K E sorry man. honestly you seem like a really great player. would love to play some games with you. but seems like either one of us will lag like hell if we even try to play together. :/

                                                =============================================================================================================================Currently Looking for more Singapore/Residing in SG Players========================


                                                  Semi Carry, Support, Ganker, Warder


                                                    Any carry / Off-lane, Solo, Jungle / Roaming / Support (Preferably anything besides support since it is a waste for me)
                                                    I will be in SEA countries starting next week, So I'd love to get a few games with you and see

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                      pls i am so pro i fuckin swear i win every gam i never lost a gam in my mothafuckin life i am literally fuckin gud at dota omg


                                                        @WrecKorDead sorry looking more for Singapore/Residing in SG Players.
                                                        @`silver sure thing. but will you be in Singapore? Looking more for Singapore/Residing in SG Players


                                                          I'll be in many places but overall I'll be playing on SEA


                                                            Steam id:thundercso
                                                            Role:Hard carry
                                                            Looking forward to play as a team and learn together.


                                                              P.S. Sorry only looking for SINGAPORE and RESIDING IN SINGAPORE PLAYERS NOW.

                                                              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                wut, now change policy?


                                                                  Not really, its just that for LAN tournaments in SG i'll need people in SG/residing in SG. i cant expect people to fly down from other SEA countries for a $500 prize pool tourney.? lolol