General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you counter late game phantom lancer? (PHANTOM LANCER NERF)

How do you counter late game phantom lancer? (PHANTOM LANCER NERF) in General Discussion
❤ Ashley ❤

    i dont neutral farm with midas like you do all game, i actually go gank, stick to au


      woah, 20% with "OP" hero, teach doto

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        Lol the MMR still works the same way in both servers, so if he is 1.5k MMR then he will probably vs 1.5K MMR, except he doesn't spam drow and is better and farming, ganking, playing support, last hitting while your just better at dying .


          I was actually looking for some interesting points in this thread, but then I realized it was just another one of these whine-threads by someone who only plays Drow... DROW... Suck a boring hero

          Farbror Katastrof

            Rape reported


              Raping him the entire game is also a pretty interesting strat (dat feel when you get smurfs on your team)


                Not to encourage or add to the flame/argument. But @Rape , i kindly suggest trying to improve your gameplay , perhaps with heroes who can Counter PL. Plus ,i dont see the point to argue here, maybe give it a shot , and see how it goes ?


                  fukt, still wondering why u got less than 900 GPM in that game, u had 450 creeps 40-41..
                  i had a game where i got 390 at min 42:50 and had a gpm of 878, ofc on a smurf account :P
                  maybe its bcus i had more kills..

                  Retard Security Detail

                    I've found the best counter to getting stomped by a PL, wait until about 25 min mark and abandon game.

                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                      I made you go 2-8 with sven in a game I haven't played, and forced you to buy shadowblade? Ok, kiddo, good for you.

                      le charismeur

                        pl is fine since he got fixed

                        hes still a tad gay to play against but so is mag bh darkseer wisp


                          @Mapzor, kills and I am guessing you took out a lot of the buildings around the base, maybe even roshed more, or perhaps you cleared a lot more ancients in comparison to me. I could have got higher (after bfury/vlads/treads I waited till I had like 8-9k or something before buying anything), but I didn't think it really mattered. Was funny seeing QoP bitch the whole game. I swear this PL was farming like a snail and QoP kept going on about how fat PL was and shit, even when I was 7 levels higher than PL and had a 12-13 minute bfury while he got radiance in like 20...I don't even


                            Make a lineup which is strong early/mid game. Push towers, get wards in their jungle. Just make sure he is to scared to farm the lane. Go roshan, after knowing where everyone is ofcourse then push and finish.
                            I see dota like this:
                            No feed = carry must go past 30 minutes to get strong
                            Feed = carry will be unstoppable at 30 minutes.

                            So don't feed, get a strong carry like luna, get some pushers like leshrac. Get a strong teamfight hero like magnus, darkseer, undying, tide. Just make some strong combo and make sure you got a lead when you hit the 30min mark.


                              @fukt, just now i noticed we had exactly the same items xD


                                Can't tell if trolling or not.. Tbh, I never had a problem with pl.


                                  PLAY LESS DROW YOU FAGGOT MAYBE YOU WILL WIN THEN

                                  The Twisted Light

                                    Kunnka with crits "Huh? Illusions?What illusions? Ah, this one ? Whoops, it was real and it died."