General Discussion



    why? I am gonna give you some reasons:

    1. they are bad as fuck;
    2. they can't speak english;
    3. they feed;
    4. they are bad as fuck;
    5. they fucking play on european server and still they have they're own server;
    6. they are bad as fuck.

    Autism is great

      dude u play with new players only > what do you expect?


        not really, I had a bigger account and I had the same problem


          ruskies suck no more and no less than any others, their problem is a. 2) and really retarded personalities aka 'crazy russians'. Has nothing to do skill.
          Personalitywise, southern nations are even worse (italians or even worse, brasils).

          Lucky for us though, brasils play on their servers or perhaps ruin NA games (on wc3 it was common that brasils ruined games of all people).

          If you wanna be an asshole, get a new account and go trolling their servers, it can be quite fun ;-)

          1) join russian only servers and tick 'russian language' only
          1) speak english only ingame (speak means use your microphone)
          1) be 'bossy' and try to point other peoples mistakes (you don't make mistakes)
          1A) in case you speak fluent english - BREAK IT (e.g. speak 'broken english')
          1B) immitate russian accent (still speak english)
          1) I could write more... just try to mimic typical russian, all you need to know :)

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            1. I think u are bad as fuck.
            2. I can speak english.
            3. I don't feed. I own.
            4. Fuck off.
            5. I play on eu servers, just because more skilled ru gamers play on eu.
            6. Just suck my big russian cock.

            And one more thing - we have a lot of "Topol-M" nuclear missles, so don't even imagine to exterminate us =P

            So "Idi nahooy" noob=)

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              just play on your fucking servers, leave europeans play alone
              I don't care about your missles, USA & CHINA > RUSSIA anyday anytime


                Sir, yes, sir! As u wish my master!
                I will leave eu server immediately as u said=)Trollface
                And don't be idiot in politics - China will never be with USA=D

                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                Autism is great

                  Д'артаньян и 4 Пи pic of your cock or i call bullshit

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                  dookie daddy

                    Russians just are a little hot tempered, I have even broken contact with some of my friends because they flame way too much. Speaking from experience here are the problems I have faced, not from pub russians but from friends.

                    1. They do speak English but most of them just enough to insult. Others none at all.
                    2. They think they are better than everyone else so they flame, get mad at new builds etc.
                    3. They seem to feel tension as soon as they come on EU servers so already tempers are high and "oh here we go" comments starts and the Cyrillic flows in rage.
                    4. I have never met one that can take grace in losing and humility in winning, it just doesn't happen.

                    They are a lot of quite good players but in a country of that size it doesn't really come as a surprise. If prompted to do so they can teamwork quite nicely as the mechanics of the game are nothing new to them and you can learn a thing or too.

                    Sadly, far outway the pro's. Language barrier is one of the biggest with people not able to understand each other so mistakes are made, people fail and the Cyrillic again flows hot and smooth. Rage, one of the biggest peeves is they are quick to anger but slow to forgive. If you accidentally get one of them killed, he will dedicate his whole game into finding ways to fuck you over instead of letting go and carrying on.

                    Let it be said that there are far worse countries, some of the most awful, unfriendly players include..

                    Italy, Brazil, Mexico and the USA (yes I said USA, they are awful people and think they are the top of the world and everything revolves around them.....MERICA!!!!)

                    Peace out.

                    Kerry Kaberga

                      lol thats right man , americans are bad just look what they have... complexity is their best team . complexity was the worst team on the international and always are baddies at any league or tournaments whatever , they are bad and how u can say that russians are bad lol they have so much teams including one of the best obvsly everybody nows about them this guys navi so stfu stop crying and keep losing by yourself

                      Libe Jenkins

                        Theese people are talking about start WW3, and the fault is because a videogame. God I love internet. Some people could be less cryers and agresives against certain countries and man the fuck up, don´t you think the same?

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          I am Russian and I always hear a lot of blames in my adress just because of nothing. Only for my language. That is really funny when an idiot with 0-7-1 stats, who is totally noobish and completely retatded blaming me and my rus teammates (we play 2-3-4 people in eu servers). We are oldschool dota players with a lot of experience and non of us feed or fail. It really funny to hear such stupid things as "rus tards" from guys who feed and suck=)


                            Yeah you are right, you represent 100% of the entire Russian Dota players, right? You know that there are actually a handful of pro russian gamers too, right?

                            Realise that there are metric fuckton of shitcunt russian noobs out there, playing on servers with 999 ping and spamming cyrillic in games where no one else has a fucking clue what they are saying. Its not being a noob that's the problem, there are noobs everywhere, its that they show no willingness at all to cooperate with the team, and obviously can't even communicate because they don't even fucking speak english.

                            All these people getting mad about russians in their games hasn't come from nowhere.


                              Sadly but u are right. There are lots of rus players, who are really noobish and stupid and I hate them too. Nevertheless, there are not less eu and other players who are noobs as well. Noobs spoil games. For a good player there is no need to know any language to know what to do.
                              In fact I play eu servers because eu gamers are more mannered. At least, if they suck in dota they don't trashtalk a lot that nerves me. But not always. In ru servers there are really always everyone blames his mate


                                This must be cry thread, here are my crys then.

                                1.)There are good russian players, but, even the good ones are most of the time so fucking arrogant, shallow and selfish.
                                2.)They have 0 tolerance,they have no problem insulting u even if they fail.
                                3.)Most know English but dont want to talk...even tho ur on eu server and u checked the "english" box.
                                4.)Their ego is so huge it made contact with extraterrestrials on another planet.
                                5.)In their mind everything revolves around America and Russia, if u talk English u get insulted for being American (happened to me on several occasions), hello Russians, England---English....There are 23 official languages in Europe, what if everyone spoke their own in Russians prefer to do.

                                Yes, most (not all) of them are pollution to dota community,disgrace for all players and not by their nobish playing , but by their nature, and i will dare to call it, "Russian nature". Like bunch of American rednecks, i see no difference.

                                And btw, im CROATIAN, not American, and wow, yes i speak English.

                                Gnome Chompski

                                  americans are way worse than any russian or brazillian.


                                    Russians are what i get from chineese and mexicans when playing in US east server. They all think they are god and are just good at sucking and dying thinking going 1v3 is smart because its GAnk (1v3 right)


                                      i bet valve will do something about russia,because there a lot of action against russians in europe

                                      russian personalities just dont support teamplay,they think about themselves only,even in big sports they are better solo than in teamsports

                                      Woof Woof
                                        Този коментар е изтрит
                                        Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                          russians still pwn everyone's ass in real life action. pft keyboard warriors in dota

                                          sweaty muddy bloody

                                            M5? Mmmm? Wake up guys - russian kids noobs, not all russian. Btw every country have this problem. Kids kids kids feed feed feed... bla bla bla

                                            Festive Reach

                                              Why do Russians have to know english? Why cant you learn Russian instead and stop complaining

                                              P.S im not Russian

                                              Woof Woof
                                                Този коментар е изтрит
                                                sweaty muddy bloody

                                                  lawl, who cares about national? we should care about skill, and russian have it.


                                                    russians should die in hell with they're public Riki picks

                                                    Papa Het

                                                      Just enable the language option, rarely met a non english speaking russian ever since, and if they do you can report them. So just enable that option, solves a lot of problems. The russians who can and are willing to speak english are usually not bad at all.

                                                      sweaty muddy bloody

                                                        CurrentFlow and u cant pick bh or slardar? or fckn buy the gem? :O noobhead detected ^

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                        sweaty muddy bloody

                                                          KirkTheRipperHammett, true story btw. ;d


                                                            I think the common thread here is that people just get frustrated with non-communication in a team-oriented game. The language barrier sucks. Perhaps if Valve were to expand on the chatwheel and people were to use if more frequently, we could go around the problem of not understanding eachother and let the game do the translating for us?

                                                            As for arrogant personalities and players who's shit smells like roses, I think there's plenty of them out there representing every country. This is the internet, after all.
                                                            It just stands out more when we can't understand them or they, us.

                                                            I used to hate on Brazilians like mad until I played a match with some that actually spoke the same language and worked as a team. It can be a rarity sometimes, but I think the only reason we get these stigmas is because we may not realize when a Decent player is [X]Nationality. We only realize when the shitty players who can't speak or work in a team environment are from [X]Nationality. Hence "Russians/Brazilians/Americans/X.... all suck."

                                                            To be fair though, it is still frustrating as fuck.

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                              You can't do that because i'm pretty sure that when you choose english language you can get paired with someone that chose english and russian.And i agree with most people here especially with ValterZz.I'm from Serbia and if i can we have cyrillic and lathin alphabet, and the most interesting part is that they call me russian when i type to my frind with lathin alphabet.

                                                              My only question is how hard can it be to learn 100 words that are used in this game? You don't have to get masters diploma in english to use it in video game.

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                              sweaty muddy bloody

                                                                ONLY ARAPS THINK THAT IF U TYPING ON CYRILICA THAT U RUSSIAN :@


                                                                  I still think BRs are worse.


                                                                    Russian r gd players, but still cant communicate with them, and their enlglish is so sad !!
                                                                    for me and them..
                                                                    but they r much better than those tards who start speaking using mic with their british accent !!
                                                                    not saying they r british, just using their accent

                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                      topicstarter is sooo funny



                                                                        sweaty muddy bloody

                                                                          сасите рачки :D


                                                                            By the way, kids in russian schools learn english. It is the most popular foreign language in schools, but most of rus dota players are bad students and miss their lessons, so they don't know it enough well to communicate. And one more thing, there are many Ukraine, Estonia and other former USSR members speak russian, so if see kirilik it may not be russian tard, but ukrainian tard as well. The biggest problem in dota is stupid kids and other noobs.

                                                                            P.S. The tard above (realmendontbuygirls) writes with mistakes even in russian. Real imbicile. Because of such idiots eu players blame us.

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                              OP forgot to mention, that they are bad as fuck.


                                                                                [0xFB] [»Sublustris«], before saying something like this be sure, that ur own KDA rating is not "so bad fuck"=D


                                                                                  говно́ наде́лать глу́постей ты че́м-нибудь недово́лен блядь



                                                                                    HUE HUE HUE.

                                                                                    nerd with lunch money

                                                                                      Blame Kanada!

                                                                                      Player 125934737

                                                                                        russians please die. all of you. moms, dads, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, russian animals, russian language.

                                                                                        I wish one day world wakes up and doesn't remember this disgraceful, shameful and full of shit nation.


                                                                                          The problem is language barrier. If you want to play with english speakers on your team, you should be able to. Same as if you want to play with russian speaking, or chinese speaking. This is a team game right.


                                                                                            Д'артаньян и 4 Пи... gets no score for acknowledging sarcasm

                                                                                            SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT

                                                                                              1)Find a friend
                                                                                              2)Find another friend
                                                                                              3)Find yet another friend
                                                                                              4)Find one more friend
                                                                                              5)Shut the fuck up


                                                                                                "1. ...
                                                                                                2. ...
                                                                                                3. I don't feed. I own.
                                                                                                4. ...
                                                                                                5. I play on eu servers, just because more skilled ru gamers play on eu.
                                                                                                6. ...

                                                                                                yet highest kda is 3.5

                                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                  When it comes to how different nationalities act on the internet... you're all full of dickheads. Especially the gaming communities. Just a bunch of guys with nothing much to show but their game skills and nothing much to say but their prejudice. In real life, most gamers are pretty nice people. The internet is just a barrier for pussies to talk shit.

                                                                                                  xi jinping cao ni ma

                                                                                                    Guys, stop blaming everyone except you. Remember: everyone makes mistakes.(Dont be troll warlord ;D ) If i play on eu server i trying to speak english ofc.


                                                                                                      Again trashtalk. U can butthurt as much as u can=)

                                                                                                      BNi-PoweR., I know players like u, who play on his stats. If there is small chance to die in the teamfight, even it can changes the game result, u will never risk. U are simple noob. 50% WR in AP games. What a poor result=))

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