I'am sure that i will loose a match, when my lanemate starts autoattacking creeps to infinity.
You never know before if a game is doomed.
I have a bad feeling when people on my team take sf or pudge for mid,even if they are dendi they most propably go 0-10 in the specific game.
Huh? Pudge and SF are pretty good mid players. My problem is when I have both on my team, and they decide to dual lane mid. Usually is accompanied by a lot of mic spam.
Actually is quite funny when you get 5 random heroes (all intels or all strength preferably) and you win the game in like 20 min against "pro" picks.
Kotl spaming illuminate and last hitting creeps for the first 10 minutes...
Me "I thought you were playing support, mind not pushing creeps and last hitting"....
Him "I am, but Kotl is a pusher, can't help it that I'm pushing, sry"
I enjoyed the game of single draft I played yesterday where at the waiting for loaders screen one of my teammates says 'me mid'.
Uhhh, no. You don't get to call mid before you even see your choice of heroes. He then picked alch, went safe lane, we had a jungling axe so alch decided to ping the other person going safelane then ping spam suicide lane tower and type 'nooooooooob'.
He died twice in 3 minutes.
"whos this" 2 days ago wrote: "more than 2 players using cyrlic on team chat while i q on english only
pretty sure i didnt win a single game with 4 russian on my team once"
Please look at the game: http://dotabuff.com/matches/155061629
4 russians and 1 eng sniper.
When the sniper know that we are all russians, he did not lose hope and talk to us. We also tried communicate with him. And the game was not bad.
although I do not dispute: often I can not find a common language with russians (although Russian is my native language) :)
p.s. sorry, I used google translate :)
When a weaver and sniper goes to mid. Argues abt who shd solo mid while the enemy bane farms away to level 6 and kills them both.
We can do the opposite: Games where you just know you're gonna win. Just had a Riki, Sniper and Bounty in the enemy team, one of the easiest wins ever :D
Check this out: http://dotabuff.com/matches/159398659
-> Ezalor mid
-> CK + Slardar on same lane, enigma jungle
-> 2 counters for riki (bh and slardar)
Decent picks, failed all lanes.
When my people starts whining "omg noob teammate we lose"
I want to ask them, "how do you expect to win when you already give up?"
silly kidz.
try encouraging them, and convince them that u might be able to win politely..
no need to tell them along with the enemy team "THIS TIDE CANT USE RAVAGE, AFRAID HE MIGHT HURT OR KILL SOMEONE", u can just tell him, "stay back, and wait for them to engage on our tank" if he isnt the tank of the team :D
when u realize that they dunno howto farm and someone shouts 'lets push 5 men' after 3minutes.
How the heck did u loose that game? I mean, really farmed bs, PA and sniper against anti mage and queen of pain? I don't get it at all.
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To keep it going just name one particular example per posting.
- After the heropicks, a dude on your team starts screaming randomly into his mic (had that one A LOT recently...)