General Discussion

General DiscussionAbandoned games showing in match history

Dota 2 API-то не е достъпно в момента, затова новите Ви мачове ще се появят веднага, когато то стане отново достъпно.
Abandoned games showing in match history in General Discussion

    Why? I see that people have carried on the games once the 'No stats will be recorded.' message appears but why does Dotabuff record it? I leave and next thing I see I have 3 losses and 1 win because of abandon and more annoying I now have a 5 loss streak when in fact only 3 of those games were counted.


      Why not show it? I've had some awesome games that ended up being 4v4s after abandon, and some 4v5 victories when we were the 4. Why shouldn't those games be counted? If you're worried about W-L then just make sure you're the last to leave.


        because once it says no stats will be recorded I tend to leave, not because I care about W-L in this instance but because Dota doesn't count the matches... idk why Dotabuff should.

        And for the record, i've had awesome 4v5's too... but I don't think a game should knock back my W-L ratio if it technically didn't count, certainly shouldn't count as a loss IMO. maybe just something like Win (abandon) or Loss (abandon) so it doesn't count to my proper games.