General Discussion

General DiscussionSkywrath Mage the OP Shit

Skywrath Mage the OP Shit in General Discussion
World Emperor

    Topic starter is just a raging retard ... Skywarth is super squishy and have no disables ... And take a look at his winrate... 44%
    This dude really need to take a chill pill...


      useless at late game with a 6 second silence LMAO

      also lane him with ogre

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        ofc u will win that, u had an antimage against u who went 5 creeps/min, which is low for antimage, and he went SANGE AND YASHA !!



          Well today i played two more games against SHIT on my other account and won. One was me as SF on mid against shit. Gues what? I was 3 times dead before lvl 6. All he does is spaming one magic. In something like 40 minutes i had bkb, shadow blade, rapier, desolator and half way deadalus. I was killing OP SHIT in one hit. DIE SHIT, DIE!!! Other game I was nyx assasin, also won. But... he is OP on low levels. And he needs no skill to play, just fkin spaming one magic.

          sry for bad english


            ofc skywrath will outlane SF, but not for so long, as soon as u hit lvl 5, u can farm using razes and regen mana through bottle, and u can bottle crow, u don't expect for example pudge to outlane BS or huskar, its just not the right hero

            and Sky is just an early game hero, can still burst down poort supports but still, doesn't do shit against a bkb holder :/

            and if u r playing nyx, u will make him suffer alot, just get mana burn on lvl 1, and spam it whenever its on cd, u can burn almost 180 mana everytime, and scales as he lvls, or buys items, Sky can never ever outlane nyx for many reasons, ofc it depends on the skill lvl of both the players, but still, a decent player with nyx, can easily rape Sky on mid


              Have you tried Blademail? I really like turning on my BM and walking into Sky ult and just laugh while his hp goes away and there's nothing he can do... ALso, BKB all the way.

              Ricardo Milos

                Usually depends of the team but mostly bkb and blademail is surely counter for him.