General Discussion

General DiscussionWill stats reset after beta?

Will stats reset after beta? in General Discussion

    i would really like to see those terrible stats of me just go away X.X


      disapointing, but thank you kind sir. :-)

      shitty yoshimitsu player

        Just keep at it, you'll start to pull away from your losses and start to get a better win rate. I've gone from 48% WR to a 53% WR and mind you this is straight up solo queue.

        Този коментар е бил редактиран
        The Twisted Light

          Was at35-40%WR at the beginning, found out Purge's guide existence. 50% WR stable now



            80% of the games solo mmring ...

            Bot Tyrone

              Maybe you should learn a bit of math. 80% of matches solo queue would imply that you have only queued with people in 137 of your matches. Just this month you played 77 matches with one person (52, 33, 33 next highest on the list), and you have played many matches with the first guy in previous months as well as lots of other players.

              Nice try though.


                do the math : 77 matches < 137 matches

                Bot Tyrone

                  You played all 688 matches this month then? Maybe finish primary school before playing computer games.

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    i guess only reason you are on this forum is to flame other people?

                    Bot Tyrone

                      -blatantly lie
                      -can't comprehend the most basic of information
