General Discussion

General DiscussionPredicting the winners of ti3?

Predicting the winners of ti3? in General Discussion

    where can we predict the winner of the international 3? and what is the reward of predicting the right outcome? i have the compendium i just dont kno what to do


      >buy the compendium
      >activate it in your backpack
      >compendium should appear in your profile
      >you can open it to check it's content (predctions etc.)
      >courier and bonus xp boost will also appear in your backpack after activating the compendium
      >activate the bonus xp boost to apply it

      By making the right predictions, we will most likely be able to further customize the courier we got.


        The compendium you have now is not complete. More will be added to it as the tournament progresses.

        For instance we don't yet know who will win the qualifiers so all the TI3 stuff is not loaded into the Compendium yet.

        Ming (Zufälliger König)

          team FF will win the 1.7million

          3000 Worlds

            ^If there is a thumbs up button, it would be broken right now with my spams alone.


              ur mom

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!