General Discussion

General DiscussionRecruiting two members for a us team.

Recruiting two members for a us team. in General Discussion

    Ello we area medium level bunch of guys looking for 2 more to fill our rosters. Looking for a few dedicated people who have time to play.

    Leave a few lines with your roles and what not:)

    Courtesy Flush

      hi i am willing to join your team i have spent most of my days playing this game and love everything about it, i am good with all characters add me if interested :)


        I cant seem to find you in steam, feel free to add me at triceratopsrocket

          Този коментар е изтрит

            Feel free to send me an add on steam my man


              Hey man, just sent you an invite in steam. I can fill any role pretty fairly, but excel really well in offlane or hard support roles

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                Anyone else?

                dookie daddy

                  aSoD, during the wee hours in the morning here in the UK I sometimes pucker up the courage to go onto US servers. I have a bunch of friends in the US some of which are quite good, you are welcome to add me and I will party up with you.

                  I am on steam most of the time after 6 UK time and if I am not in a stack would love to invite.