General Discussion

General DiscussionTeamMatch Rating!

TeamMatch Rating! in General Discussion

    Why is my TeamMatch Rating = 0 after 4 Games?
    we have still 75% winrate....


      Your collective MMR is 0

      It doesn't update properly. One of the teams you were against have played 26 matches and have 0 rating

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        But befor we played the 4th game we had a 2815 rating...
        and now Zero?!?! how is that possible?!


          you changed players i suppose. If you do that you start from zero and need 3 games to get ranked


            Not really?!
            yes, we changed one player cause we want to get the 3 games to get ranked. and our 5th player didnt had time.
            after this chance (2games with the normal 5 players and one game with one standIn) we got ranked.....
            really confused all this...


              Stupid people are gonna remain stupid!

              btw RIP with the last game of thrones


                You have to maintain the same 5 players for 3 straight games. Anytime you change a player your team MMR will reset. When it says 0 it just means you don't have 3 games in a row with the current roster. Once you do 3 games you will start over, not at zero, but at the average of your individual MMRs.

                If you want to use a standin and keep your rating you have to make a separate team. If you replace a team member on the official roster your score will reset.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  ok ty ;)

                  dookie daddy

                    If you change players is resets. Also if I am not mistaken they mentioned they were gonna reset the team profiles but I forget where I read that and I have nothing to back it up.


                      hey there guys , thx for the infos ! :) btw. "muted i play better blablabla.... " we dont need ur opinion on our intelligence and ur philosophical declaration - i mean REALLY ?! "stupid people gonna remain stupid" must be the nonsense conclusion of ur own pathetic life ?= honestly, pls drop it and contribute with a useful phrase instead.. .

                      Time To Derank|Lee Mok

                        my status never been updated about 6 months


                          quote from myself: "you changed players i suppose. If you do that you start from zero and need 3 games to get ranked"

                          @[wpy]alwaysrapednaked i guess stupid people can also be blind. Now if instead of being angry and posting shit you would TRY to understand what i wrote you would realize that i said exactly the same thing the mannered @relentless did. Ever heard of logic/math?