General Discussion

General DiscussionSange and Yasha

Sange and Yasha in General Discussion

    i see alot of people pick up SnY but i dont understand why am i missing something? or is it just a cheap all rounder type item for some1 who doesnt know what to buy? to be honest i wouldnt buy it on anyone but if any1 has suggestions to which hero would benefit from it please let me know

    I come from the dark

      Totally useless item and is only bought for fun when victory is imminent or by idiots who know nothing about dota.


        @Bad to the bone you lost QoP vs SK against me :( ?


          Its great on luna/Slark. or heros that are designed to chase down other people.
          The maim proc is really, really good on slark. Gives good allround stats, And that extra move speed is something everyone loves.
          like you aren't planning on building a Manta on Riki, or slark. but you still lack alot of HP and want the move speed/attack speed of a yasha, so you pick up SnY'.

          I come from the dark

            @Still waiting ward what are you on about?


              You lost mid QoP vs SK and you're talking about idiots who know nothing about dota?


                thanks for the insight @Peekaboo i guess if ur not farming well it could be a good pick up but i would always lean towards getting the orb of venom then just building into skadi by buying ultimate orbs which would give stats plus with some1 like slark u already got the ulti passive movement speed when invis so i usually dont worry about movement speed because of that and would lean towards trying to kill them within pounce time or a decent amount of dmg with something like armlet to get the essence shift stats up also then ulti and chase down to kill

                I come from the dark

                  @Still waiting ward once again, what are you on about?


                    brood_star approved idiots


                      It's for heros who chase, as it gives 12% movement speed bonus, slightly more than the Yasha or the Manta's 10% (Manta is an upgrade of Yasha).

                      If I had the Sange on Slark for example, I'd prefer upgrading it to the SNY over the Heaven's Halberd, because it gives movement speed (which you need once you're in vision of the enemy), rather than the evasion and disarm active.

                      The maim is also not a unique attack modifier, so it stacks with lifesteal/ orb of venom/ skadi/ etc. If you get a maim proc and you're using the orb of venom, I guess you could consider it a poor man's Skadi.

                      tveni tveni

                        i literally buy this item on everything

                        manta's shit anyway


                          Jack of all trades, master of none. That's S&Y for ya!


                            if you got a yasha and cant afford shit go for the SnY


                              yeah i get the movement speed part but manta would be better in the long run for escaping spells or diffusals and get a basher to upgrade if ur someone like slark and with the orb part its weird coz i dont know the mechanics of them on dota 2 since the engine is different like how somethings stack that didnt in dota 1


                                as for me i only have hotkeys for 3 inventory items! usually i move tp out of them so you could say 4.. but i like to change treads all the time so that makes 2 again. Bkb over manta all the time so i rly only got 1 inventory i can use for some active shit and it usually goes for shit like wand/dagger/necro etc!
                                on heroes i use manta illus are usually worthless(might be my build as i rarely go full damage) so i only actually use manta for escape mechanisms and jukes. Not so much so i rather have SnY that doesnt require me to think much than going full manta!! besides its safer to go a cheaper and faster build for str stats than saving for ultimate orb.. and in the case of being able to afford ultimate orb i realize its better to go hyper and make a cuirras or mjolnir build later

                                dookie daddy

                                  I am actually enjoying the S&Y comeback into the carries items pools more recently. People are actually getting in on naix and I am seeing it a lot more.

                                  Some people prefer to go top tier items if you are a carry but there are quite a number of benefits you get from carrying an S&Y.