General Discussion



    hi guys, me and my brother are looking for skilled eu tryhard players to stomp with! preferably support/offlane players but not necessarily if you like to play other positions.

    yes we are smurfs, for those of you that hate guys like us please don't troll/flame here. were not looking for any trouble, just some likeminded people to play with.

    chinese players are a bonus ;) (GUO REN)

    reply to this thread or drop me a msg if interested, thanks and good day. :)




        at least show us your real account

        Този коментар е бил редактиран


          Papa Het

            smurfing... or otherwise known as pretty darn small in the penis departement, eh?

            ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

              NO. smurf account.


                and of course the train of trolls come. how does smurfing affect you guys in such a way that you feel the need to come here to shit all over us? some of us have fun building stats, if you are not interest just leave the thread please. one of the reasons why people quit the game is because of how shitty 90% of the dota community is towards everything in the game, you guys setting a good example keep it up.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

                  good luck finding players. look at your troll. who is the troll here. no one wil play with you cuz of your attitude. GG well played!


                    stupid fuck gtfo of this forum you piece of shit!
                    if u want smth be open about yourself and post your main account!

                    ashamed?? WELL YOU SHOULD MOTHERFUCKER CAUSE YOU SUCK!

                    -->just got low priority again bcs of a trash like you! 13 hrs GREAT! worth it?? FUCK YEAH IT WAS SICNE PEOPLE LIKE YOU DESERVE TO LOSE LIKE THIS. FUCK if i am going to give you a freewin when the only shit u do is stay in woods the whole game and above all farm like shit and being a fucking useless cunt that only takes away exp and easy farm

                    FUCK YOU

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                    tveni tveni

                      anger management or something


                        btw the fucking cunt is pl @rant so use a report on him if u think like me ;D! ->i sure would. he's already muted so feedinf would be appropiate. its more! you can see from his last games (those shown in the first page) that he rides the team to victoryy. useless fucking cunt cant even make a difference!

                        edit: talking about pl in my last game

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                        ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

                          who are you talking about benao. you scaring me.

                          ViL (Europe)

                            you and your brother should probably get a job and lose the V-card while you're at it!

                            Player 103543943

                              Papa Het, fucking lol.


                                At least u try different heroes... GL.


                                  I will gladly help you ruin the game for newbies that don't deserve it and make them play LoL instead of Dota 2 just so we can get nice stats no one cares about :)

                                  Papa Het

                                    "and of course the train of trolls come. how does smurfing affect you guys in such a way that you feel the need to come here to shit all over us? some of us have fun building stats, if you are not interest just leave the thread please. one of the reasons why people quit the game is because of how shitty 90% of the dota community is towards everything in the game, you guys setting a good example keep it up."

                                    it's like you are quoting the exact behaviour you guys display, and you don't even notice.

                                    THIS guys, this is real stupidity. I think we should all applaud him and his friends. I salute you man, let me know when you grow up and/or your testicles finally dropped. Until then: Get the fuck out of my game.

                                    Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                      oh pity , rage kid smurf got poked right in the arse real hard

                                      mid or -25

                                        add me


                                          taste me, add me.


                                            Feel free to add me if you want


                                              Still searching.

                                              So what behaviour to I display Papa Het? We play to win, we don't troll anyone, don't bad-manner anyone and don't chant shit at people all over Dota 2 forums. Maybe some of the other smurfs do but not us. This is the first time I've posted in these forums anyway.

                                              If none of you cared about stats, why would you be on Dotabuff which is a site SOLELY dedicated to recording Dota 2 stats?

                                              Get over it guys, I'm not hating you guys at all but you all seem to be hating on me. If you don't like smurfs, that's fair enough but please just kindly leave this thread.



                                                Btw, you can do a high winrate with your normal account too.

                                                Papa Het

                                                  You get me all wrong kid, I don't ask you kindly to leave the game, I demand from you and your turd-like entities of smurf friends to leave our game.
                                                  You destroy, yes, destroy the games and fun of every new game in Dota just because you are to fucking weak to take on players of your level and skill. That's just pathetic. How little worth must your life be if you get fun out of taking candy from a baby.
                                                  Just imagine that. You are figuratively standing there on the street, stealing candy from a toddler. And the best part: You think you got a right to do so, you think it's perfectly fine, you get freaking satisfaction out of it. Wow. You officially hit rock bottom of the internet.

                                                  I bet schooltime's pretty harsh on your ass, eh? All the other kids being mean to you... Jeez. Let's bring all the frustration to dota and stomp some players who're not even close to your own level. Well done kiddo, well done.

                                                  Woof Woof

                                                    pub stomp from your main acc, no?


                                                      just other smurfs who wan't to get to the top to flex their e peen ...


                                                        @papa het i'm in love with your first comment.

                                                        XYZ LuLu


                                                          Coming from a beginner: People like you are the reason people quit DOTA2 before they even get a chance to experience the game. You really think it's an enjoyable experience to get ganked to 0-20 by a group of pathetic smurfs. People like you disgust me.