General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat the hell is this?

What the hell is this? in General Discussion
dookie daddy

    A lot of the highest WR in the game do this where you can queue from a VM and match vs yourself in "Sandbox" environment.

    Sucks like butt I know.

    dookie daddy

      @Mid slark only.

      All the big kill games have a feeding SF.
      SF goes mid.
      You seem to only mid.
      This is not coincidence this is cheating.

      Chris. hahaha those faggots lost with feeding :D :D


          omg wattanoobs

          dookie daddy

            If you cycle through games you see a pattern of heroes picked and the players in the games.

   feeding account leads to this ( the one who was supposed to get fed then look through his games and see oh look MID SLARK ONLY there as well, so I click on the LD and WOAH it leads back to the same smurf account both MSO and 1!1 fed of.

            And 7 mins ago this happens you fucking suck cheating scum.

            dookie daddy

              Then you go further and you realize its like 3-4 russian friends all boosting each others accounts.


              dookie daddy

                CM the feeder from the game above just stomped and guess who fed him mid.......


                beast player

                  k that's pretty ridiculous

                  dookie daddy

                    What impresses me more is that a lot of these games they end up losing cause even though they are so fed they just have no skill to win 4v5 and rely on the feeding to win them the game without having the actual resilience or skill to do so.

                    I think the dota2 community can fix this up by themselves.

                    You see a smurf feeder. Report and fight those bitches with everything you got, chances are they expected it easy and are not skilled enough to take a 4-man coordinated push.


                      haha theres no my account in that list

                      having sharing match history on private ftw


                        i would feed myself with lvl 5 furion


                          lvl 5 furi is the most efficient :D


                            lvl 8 is better ? treants + 20 second cooldown teleport

                            dookie daddy

                              Proving that very few people at the top deserve to be there.

                              Smurf accounts worth shit in reputation
                              Pure and simple cheating with account feeding

                              50% winrate

                                lol'd at this ponyshitter, he's mad because he's a nolifer

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  your mama must be proud of you cant do shyt without feed haha.. sad life


                                    its like morlegal in wow stormscale eu,3500 3v3 rating,maybe someone knows what im talking about:)

                                    dookie daddy

                                      I think a nolifer is classified here as a person who feels the need to abuse an already moderately easy game in such a way as to improve his stats to a achieve some sort of e-penis karma.

                                      You are unable to master a game the hard way so you find a way to abuse the system in low skill games just to get stats, there is nothing quite as low as that.

                                      In a quote from Lord of the Rings "You have no power here".

                                      You cheat, smurf, stack, abuse low skill games. You have no say. You have no skill. You have no life. You are the reason this games MM has gone to shit. Can't play the game well or fairly? Don't even bother going to LoL or HoN those games will be too hard for you as well and you will find some way of abusing that cause you are too shit to even enjoy a game and just suffer slightly bad stats for the sake of enjoyment and the community.

                                      You're right there is nothing that can be done but you will forever be stuck in your cheating stack of people with no reputation and no skill constantly abusing the game till they fix it and you find something else.

                                      Saddened that you have managed to sucker in a few games with players that had a name and some reputation and they should have known better.

                                      Call me what you will but I have a clean account with no additional smurf, no abusive stacking, no cheating. I play with everyone including the people that most of these forum posts reject because they are "noob" or otherwise have a low winrate because the game is more important to me than the size of ones ego. Most of the people I play with are new players that this forum has basically shit on and a lot of them have gotten a lot better and can (with statistical evidence) play lot better than your shitty cheating stack.

                                      END OF

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                        If I am honest, I think they have a lot less of fun than you Havoc Badger. I have probably less fun than you aswell, to be honest I even miss the old dota1 times in which you just opened a pub and you did not care about the stats or anything.
                                        Let them do their thing, one day valve will fix it probably (by making same IP players not being able to match up in a game or/and same HWID players).
                                        What are they doing? They are trying to get #1 on a website with a not 100% fully working ranking anyways and they spend a lot of effort into getting there instead of spending the energy on getting better or playing another strat.


                                          You have been busted by agent Havoc Badger, fucking russian scrubs.


                                            agent lol


                                              LOL there are more and more of them, they're also whining here in this thread, WELL FUCK THIS.


                                                abusers will abuse no matter what, keep raging havoc

                                                dookie daddy

                                                  @neopunk I have loads of fun in this game, hell I have spent most of the last year on this game.

                                                  @12800584 This is nothing close to a rage this is me presenting to the dotabuff community just how shit people can be. Don't think just cause your don't directly cheat your nose is so clean either.

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    how the hell i can support their cheating lol

                                                    dookie daddy

                                                      As previously pointed out thats 4 cheaters in your team right there and its not like you don't continue to play with them.

                                                      You are a decent player I will give you that but continuing to play with people who are known cheaters and abusers and even supporting it by saying "abusers will abuse no matter what" tells us all what kind of person you are.

                                                      You don't care if they cheat because you will play with them and benefit from the stats that cheating provides while hiding behind the guise that you never cheat.


                                                        I know Havoc Badger that was my point

                                                        dookie daddy

                                                          Hahaha, tried to feed, team caught on and he ended up losing.

                                                          Shitty scrub.

                                                          dookie daddy

                                                            I feel bad as well cause look at the WR drop and popularity increase. Seems people are catching on.



                                                              ROFL them guys that cheat and lose

                                                              That has GOT to be the biggest fail I've ever seen. Wow those guys, how can you be so bad? lmao


                                                                Retards, retards everywhere..

                                                                Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                  Guys, why are you arguing with the guy? I started to play dota when I was 12, I discovered this russian dota forum, id cheat, troll, and insult people, because it was fun. I didn't care that using cheats (good old maphack!) wouldnt improve my skill or anything else for that matter, I just had fun. So why feed hungry 12 year old troll when you can go and play dota?


                                                                    > So why feed hungry 12 year old troll when you can go and play dota?


                                                                    Maybe because there is the possibility that I will get queued against people who cheat their way to victory? Personally, I have no intention of falling to a 123-1 Slark because my SF is in fact that very Slark player, on my own team, NO THANKS

                                                                    And also maybe because I know that these guys have ruined hundreds of people's games. I might not be an FBI officer or something, but that doesn't mean I can watch that with a smile and think that people can just "deal with it" if they're not happy about it. It's not right, and they deserve punishment.

                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                      Ok, so how much feeding the troll got you closer to the solution of the problem? There is a thread on dev forum, best you can do is write email. Feeding the troll here accomplishes nothing.


                                                                        Well, when I created the thread I didn't know about it, and that is why I created the thread: What the hell is this? Then I got information, then I became judgmental about the issue. There, my resume :P

                                                                        Arthas 2

                                                                          >Ok, so how much feeding the troll got you closer to the solution of the problem? There is a thread on dev forum, best you can do is write email. Feeding the troll here accomplishes nothing

                                                                          at least when those exploilters read this threads, they might reflect on the nonsense they have done, and theres a tiny 1% chance that they might stop doing it...
                                                                          Ignoring them, makes them ignorant too.

                                                                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                            Have you read anything I wrote about being 12 years old? They will snap out of it when they grow up (Unless total brain injury, in which case gg). Writing you here accomplishes about the same amount of work as a prayer.


                                                                              Just ignore it :) Like 99,99% of the other players :)

                                                                              Arthas 2

                                                                                if a 12 year old is knowledgeable enough setup a Virtual machine for a mule, he shld be mature enough to understand what hes doing ...
                                                                                and i highly doubt hes a 12 year old.


                                                                                  You'd be surprised how many adults need some sort of self accomplishment; short of shooting themselves with testosterone, closest they can get is having this false idea that cheating and exploiting actually makes them better.


                                                                                    12yo stay 12yo even if IT nerd

                                                                                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                      Plus cmon, 12 year old can figure out how to set up a virtual machine. I assembled a computer when I was 11 (with some minor help), I'm fairly sure setting up virtual machine is much easier.

                                                                                      dookie daddy

                                                                                        It has put a few of them at the top and they want to be able to stroke themselves from time to time by saying they were at the top at one point even though they had no right to be there.


                                                                                          I don't understand why the dotabuff staff don't just increase the number of games required for the top list to 1000 or something.


                                                                                            Those retards deserve to get banned for life on their all steam accounts. k thx valve

                                                                                            dookie daddy

                                                                                              If you go on dev.dota their accounts are up there, take five minutes to go through the list and ban steam accounts not just report them. Some of the accounts are main's with other purchased games on them and an accounts ban (which happens more often than you think) would be punishment enough even if they carry on doing this.


                                                                                                Do you think they might smurf to 1k games karake? :D


                                                                                                  no difference... so you guys can call 500-600 game players as a smurf.

                                                                                                  50% winrate

                                                                                                    "let's ban people playing the game for the first time" - ponyshitter von autismo