General Discussion

General DiscussionNAture Prophet pickers.

NAture Prophet pickers. in General Discussion

    [H] Experienced Off lane NP [W] Tears of team fight heroes.


      I used to get constantly matched against this guy
      he only picks NP and always goes for the same retarded build orchid + MoM


        ^If it's retarded and it works, it's not retarded.


          satanik's build was legit


            Natures Splitpush is too overpowered right now. He pushes all 3 lanes and its hard to gank him if you dont have a clock or storm.
            Also if you fail a gank on him, his team pushes the other lanes. And if you try to go for tower he just pushes another lane....and if you loose that teamfight you loose a rax and mostly the game. His 20s global Teleport is way too op. He needs a complette rework. His just way too broken. Also shown by his 100% ban and pickrate in competitive games.


              pick nyx and enjoy ez kils


                ^^ noob detected

                Vanity  ツ

                  Furion is so easy to shut down if he is jungling lol


                    At my level people don't even know I'm jungling
                    They think I'm afk in the fountain, and by the time I come out of the jungle 3 slotted it's too late to stop me :D

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      SB with dust,u'll shut him off


                        orchid+mom furi made me get many rampages with furi, tbh. I think if not all of them they were achieved by going orchid+mom build so sano that guy is legit


                          if people just pick like gankers and shit like, strom, bounty, nyx
                          and just kill him whilst he split pushes he becomes a useless hero imo


                            wtf is furion and lothars, this isnt league


                              thats true

                              whatever works, works.

                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                Totally agree with original poster. Easiest hero in game bar none. Playing Furion is the equivalent of leveling up to 10 in World of Warcraft.



                                  have u never beat furion

                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                    Insinuating someone loses to something because they say it creative.


                                      There is a massive difference to playing a hero and playing it effectively. I can also see you rode out the ES crazy train for all the win rate it was worth.

                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                        I still play ES? Winning 65% right now and my KDA is only .2 lower than the crazy train. Also for all the crazy train talk is half the time by people who couldn't play him then and sure won't play him now.



                                            yeah but im insinuating that it should happen quite often

                                            he isn't a god tier hero like earth spirit pre nerf


                                              why the hate on np

                                              go hate lycan, qwoker and terrorblade


                                                only noobs and retards complain about splitpushers because they dont know how to beat splitpushers. *cough* broodmother threads *cough*


                                                  yo... 6.79 brood was bullshit. the splitpush wasn't the issue, its that you couldn't punish the split push.


                                                    I play Natures Prophet to teamfight in the early game, is that bad?

                                                    Last 3 games I played I won two but lost one. We decided to feed I mean dive a Bristleback and get raped by a Slark which then we threw the game. The other two games I completely zoned out a lane by just being in the lane with two others. We won that game.

                                                    Maybe you're just not dealing with NP the right way.

                                                    Sometimes, the best way to handle NP is to not play his game, and go the lane he is in everytime, which takes XP from you for having to move all over the map.

                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                      @Sirius Lee

                                                      "yeah but im insinuating that it should happen quite often

                                                      he isn't a god tier hero like earth spirit pre nerf"

                                                      This is quite shocking since pre nerf the average win rate on ES was 40% with a 2 KDA.

                                                      For yourself you used him 3 times pre nerf and won 0 games but did manage a good KDA.

                                                      Big difference for me pre and post nerf is just his role changed from best roaming ganker to well no one is going to play him because the lemon isn't worth the squeeze.


                                                        If you are playing a pub and the other team instant pick Furion which hero is the number 1 counter pick in your opinions?
                                                        IO seems to be a solid choice

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                          You can very easily punish brood's splitpush.
                                                          Counters to brood prenerf: batrider, timbersaw, spectre, natures prophet, bounty hunter, slardar, zeus, qop, puck, slark, and literally anyone with a stun and smoke of deceit

                                                          You could also ignore her completely and just 5man the other 2 lanes

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            IMHO, Nature Prophet is pretty hard to play. Maybe I suck(

                                                            However, I hate playing against splitpush, cause its so annoying. However I have no problem beating it))

                                                            edit: Hi, Wink.

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                              must be so fun irl

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                BH can completely shut down a Furion from level 1 if you are planning to do that. You won't get any farm either though but you are generally way more useful without farm using track and burst damage.


                                                                  Hi, dangdang

                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                  "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                                    Really NP pickers just want to be able to rat dota and get their items without having to really fight. They can use their treants and get gold and tp away from danger.


                                                                      yes, i was playing unranked AP with a friend who likes to go ring of regen and stout shield on every single hero, and more frequently midas/dagon

                                                                      all im saying is, he's easily countered by someone like timber or clock, and he isn't an exceptionally OP hero in contrast to all the other heroes in dota

                                                                      ErthSpirit isn't allowed in CM mode, henceforth I have no games with him and I hate playing AP, CM kinda forces a more stabilized team strategy.


                                                                        rat doto no skill doto


                                                                          What they should do is, whenever NP uses shadowblade or just tps away from enemies, have a giant speech bubble pop up above him saying "I'm running away because I'm a weak little bitch".


                                                                            hes really weak right now. buffs he needs:

                                                                            - sprout is fine
                                                                            - create 10 treants per nature's call rather than 5
                                                                            - remove gold and xp bounty from treants and give them each 200 hp buff
                                                                            - teleport needs to have 0 cd and deal 300 damage at cast point and end point
                                                                            - wrath of damage needs to do 300 initial damage plus 200 per unit hit while also healing allies for 300.

                                                                            - buff intel gain to 4
                                                                            - buff base ms to 310
                                                                            - buff base damage to 60-65

                                                                            - give innate passive (doesn't need skill point) for 3 gold per second.

                                                                            After that fix, IF needs to nerf op heroes like fucking riki and drow. srsly

                                                                            I also do pokemon balance if you want to discuss :)



                                                                              Low Expectations

                                                                                I only hate NP when we are winning (not stomping) and it is inevitable that we will win and only due to NP the game drags on additional 10 min just dealing with his bullshit before we end.
                                                                                Otherwise I think hes an amazing hero, the only one I succeded to get Midas, Phase, Hex before 21 min without more than 1 kill.


                                                                                  And you will never have kids? :D hahahahhaahaha thats literally the best insult i have ever heard :D

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    God i must be the worst np ever because i always try to help my team in most fights and to gank important heroes


                                                                                      You mad scrub?

                                                                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                        Natures Prophet Dota2's gift to idiots who breath out of their mouth.


                                                                                          WELCOME TO NATURES CRIB

                                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!