General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: Learning Invoker.

    Bad: So many Eul's Scepters!


      Good: meepo
      Bad: sniper -_-

      Downhill Dave

        Good: Only plays chick heroes
        Bad: QoP winrate is rooouggh


          Good: winrates
          Bad: dont see anything

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            Good: Is a doctor

            Bad: His name is Dave


              Good: ogre magi.
              Bad: 39% winrate on Necrolyte.

              amigo pool

                good: GPM record
                bad: furion winrate (Wtf)


                  Good: 26 win streak
                  Bad: Your only on record -CM game was 10 months ago.


                    Good: Being a proper Carry.

                    Bad: Venomancer Record Death of 22.


                      good: nice windrunner wr.
                      bad: jug wr/overall wr.


                        good: AM winrate
                        bad: can't play puck

                        Dao of Eithan Arelius

                          Good : 100% winrate.

                          Bad : smurfs like these almost made me cry when I started Dota 2.


                            ^he played treant in 90% of his games lol

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              good pudge
                              bad gyro


                                Shanah Tovah
                                -- good: good support, naix gpm, ulfsaar w/r
                                -- bad: idk .... ur clinkz w/r

                                -- good: nice support
                                -- bad: ursa picker, void w/r

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  Good: support player, CM picker, Zeus win rate
                                  Bad: low Lich & Winrunner win rate


                                    good aba wr
                                    bad normal bracket :/

                                    Click Clackin' Crackalackin'

                                      good: boss ursa
                                      bad : lina w/r

                                      COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                        good: tide

                                        bad: pl. bh. jug. bunch of right clicks no fun


                                          Good: good win rate playing with support heroes (Omniknight, Treant)
                                          Bad: Less than 50% win rate

                                          succiare il puccio

                                            Good: we have similar matches played and win rate :D
                                            Bad: pretty mediocre KDA with your carries


                                              good: strong winrate in all top heroes

                                              bad: highest GPM only 689


                                                Good: shadow fiend player
                                                Bad: small hero pool, basically use the same heroes most of the times.

                                                Aeon Jib (Eli Copter co-p...

                                                  Good: 4 K/D with zeus(I find it really easy to get bloodlusted with).
                                                  Bad: Almost 3 K/D on am but can't carry most of the time (45%win).
                                                  Note: This is my first account.

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                  Last game 2017

                                                    Good: Winrate
                                                    Bad: Winrate due Stacking a lot

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      Good : That avatar
                                                      Bad : Smurf

                                                      Chairith Painsborough

                                                        Good: epic Michael skeelz
                                                        Bad: WR picture too small, can't see tits :D

                                                        Edit: I often play for 24 hours no sleep/eat and is often solo queueing so I play bad in some games>.>

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                        succiare il puccio

                                                          Good: I like your selection of most played heroes

                                                          Bad: what kind of KDA is that for a pudge player? :o


                                                            Good: Old-school looking photo (I may be an ignorant in this).

                                                            Bad: Too much random draft. F*** this mode.


                                                              Good: Most played heroes are support heroes (Support players are always very welcome) with a high KDA rate.
                                                              Bad: could not find anything bad, besides that you have lost many games recently


                                                                good nice visage
                                                                bad your morf is as bad as mine :D


                                                                  imrpessive winrate
                                                                  too much ursa

                                                                  COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                                                    good: incredible win rate, and really good puck (dagon puck same as me, awesome ) , looks like you like to mid a lot
                                                                    bad: idk really

                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                      Good: Very teamfight oriented top heroes (except probably Nyx) and not even one completely useless early-game hero among them.

                                                                      Bad: Longest losing streak is longer than the longest winning streak.

                                                                      amigo pool

                                                                        Good: 87% sniper
                                                                        Bad: 0% furion :DDD

                                                                        because fkc u

                                                                          Good : wtf awesome winning rate n1 tinker
                                                                          Bad : lol really..?? i dont see any bad


                                                                            Good: You like invoker and it look like you know how to play him GJ!
                                                                            Bad: Small amount of games + dat loosing streak record 14 ? really ? how ? I would uninstall DOTA after 10 :P

                                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                                              Good: top 3 heroes.
                                                                              Bad: Overall avg, avg wr


                                                                                Good: good Kda ratios on all heros.

                                                                                Bad: Carry picker

                                                                                Ion Kjell

                                                                                  good: Nice win rate with Jakiro! awesome hero! :)

                                                                                  bad: even worse win rate than me with Furion... ;)


                                                                                    Good: Brewmaster among your most played :D We need more of them.

                                                                                    Bad: Lost your game with the most kills :P

                                                                                    PS: My furion Wr is 0% because he has only one game :P


                                                                                      Good: support players are always awesome and rare.
                                                                                      bad: dont play carry man LoL


                                                                                        Good: nice disabling heroes

                                                                                        Bad: Winrate

                                                                                        PMA player

                                                                                          Good: Good spirit breaker almost 62%

                                                                                          Bad: 10 lose in a row :(( good luck in pub next game


                                                                                            Good: Impressive Tinker
                                                                                            Bad: Just Tinker


                                                                                              Good: 9 out of 10 wins with Broodmother...very nice, reminds me of my dota1 days.

                                                                                              Bad: You've played so few games that you even managed to sneak in a hero with 0% WR among your most played xD


                                                                                                -Overall decent win rate.
                                                                                                -Decent win rates on favorite heroes.
                                                                                                -Favorite heroes are supports (not the typical AM,NP,SF)

                                                                                                -Lack of playing carries (which will improve your overall game)


                                                                                                  -Morphling in your top played, a refreshing change from most people.

                                                                                                  -God dommot so much Anti-Fun in your recent history hooorrkkk (Can't actually see anything worth calling bad)

                                                                                                  one and half gun

                                                                                                    won with medusa

                                                                                                    awful storm spirit kda and winrate, played drow/sniper and bought vanguard on doom

                                                                                                    COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                                                                                      good: smurf
                                                                                                      bad: smurf