General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    G : many wins such wow / Won your most last hits match record
    B : 35% winrate with wind :P


      G: alot of games with decent wr and kda
      B: alot of games still in normal last 2 vh games ended bad for u


        G: Great Winrate
        B: Bad Invoker

        John Matrix

          G: had two good qop games
          B: 6 games total -_-

          Kamado Kun

            G: apparently obsessed with support role dazzle dazzle dazzle dazzle
            B: having a bigger diversity of roles wont harm so much


              G: plays a nice variety of heroes in my view
              B: Pudge player keepo

              John Matrix

                G: dat maapo and TA
                B: feeds with rubick, and pretty bad ursa :(

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  Good : As you probably expected, that Dazzle is quite impressive. All your supports seem to have high KDA's as well which is also very good
                  Bad : Sub 50% winrates on many of your most played heroes

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    G : nice solo mid , Meepo, Ta . tinker. storm

                    B: normal skill bracket in ranked matchs :s

                    Bad Intentions

                      Good: Variety of heroes
                      Bad: BR server

                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                        Already evaluated your top heroes like 2 times, but I'll look deeper at profile

                        G: 63% radiant winrate, I forgot about how high your spectre stats are.
                        B: 39 unplayed heroes. most of them supports, 39% dire winrate


                          b- won longest game and void win rate
                          g- snipe/ been losing a lot

                          Fleece Johnson, Booty War...

                            Good: Nearly 2,000 games but your most played only has 43 matches, which means you probably have a large hero pool.

                            Bad: You've been playing a lot of bullshit Magi.


                              G:Mepo player
                              B: No VH skills bracket games

                              Bad Intentions

                                Good: High impact player.
                                Bad: But stacks alot, so it probably inflates you stats.


                                  G: 50%+ winrate on most of most played heroes, very high skill in ranked

                                  B: How do you have less then 50% on slark


                                    good: impressive winrate, a number of solid heroes in most played
                                    bad: still normal skill, some shocking winrates with most played heroes, intentional feeding in recent game


                                      G: Nice win rate and KDA
                                      B: Bristle Back OP :P


                                        G: VHSkill matches already
                                        B: I think you're a smurf.. yeah you are.


                                          G: Plays on south african servers

                                          B: Has 27,27% win rate with most played hero.


                                            G: Above AVG Winrate, and GREAT Winrate with most played heroes

                                            B: Lost longest match, always normal bracket >:(

                                            Tip: Try harder, Rat Harder :)


                                              G: Ember Player
                                              B: Lowish KDA for an Ember and your skill brackets are all over the place:D

                                              Also your most CS was with Techies, wat da faq

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                G : Pro playa sir, epic winrate on pretty much hard heroes
                                                B : Im too noob cant find this on you


                                                  G: MAPPO MAPPO MAPPO
                                                  B: below 50% wr on razor ;O

                                                  (just jks)


                                                    G: magic is for scrubs
                                                    B: ....e-enigma?


                                                      G: At least a semi decent mid player, some good overall hero choices.
                                                      B: You lack objective in your games and your items builds are set in stone and non-situational for you.

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        G: AXE IS AXE! And you're good on some carry's.
                                                        B: Sometimes your teammates are idiots.


                                                          G:Nice wr with most of the heroes and good wr overall
                                                          B: how could u have that low kda with lina after all this games ... and still on normal


                                                            G: decent
                                                            B: smurf


                                                              G- nice storm
                                                              B- smurf i assume


                                                                Good: That's a nice winrate while maining supportish heroes, nice offlaning as well.

                                                                Bad: Too long longest loss streak.


                                                                  Good: Lot's of support play, with very good results

                                                                  Bad: You abandoned 27 games you terrorist.

                                                                  Airi ♥

                                                                    Good: Omniknight is wow! and the winrate. lurve it!

                                                                    Bad: Normal skill even in Ranked

                                                                    NEED TANK

                                                                      G: good support player , pretty good winrate in hell sea server (just heard bout this,playing support in this server pretty hard)
                                                                      B: 0% winrate with tide , means bad offlaner


                                                                        G: Nothing really to say, this is either a smurf or you just started
                                                                        B: Same as above, although, buy boots on everyone


                                                                          G: wow dude, nice 4 bot matches '-'
                                                                          B: wow dude, only 4 bot matches , cant say anything about it '-'


                                                                            ^ We appear to have commented at the same time
                                                                            G: Basically everything, lookin' good
                                                                            B: Spams Mappo


                                                                              Good: Templar Assassin <3
                                                                              Bad: Normal skill like me :(


                                                                                G: it looks like me but with less matches(jk, keep playin' with the heroes that you like :DD)
                                                                                Bad: it looks like me, but with solo normal skill matches, gotta pump this up dude :D (my normal skill games are in party , so cant do much about my friends :DD)

                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                  Good: New player, nice avatar, good start on TA
                                                                                  Bad: Smurf? few games, too green, need more exp.


                                                                                    @Dizi got a 2 for 1 huh? haha

                                                                                    @Bad Intentions
                                                                                    Good : Sick venomancer,spirit breaker,Almost 40 assists on your "most assist " record
                                                                                    Bad : Lost your most assist game and the most last hit one too

                                                                                    Airi ♥

                                                                                      Good: Great success on PL, lots of games and wins
                                                                                      Bad: Contrasting hero pool, perhaps? Not a bad thing, really. Can't see anything else.

                                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                                        Good: Normal skill medusa is good
                                                                                        Bad: I noticed you tend to flop in high and very high games.


                                                                                          gold: nice tower damage record
                                                                                          bad: Somewhat low highest gold even though there are many carries in your most played.


                                                                                            G: Nice carry stats, good on Weaver that can mean that you're good offlaner/midder, if look at your another heroes. Nice WR at all.
                                                                                            B: You're bad on supports/junglers.

                                                                                            BDP ™

                                                                                              Goodd : good kda on viper bad : all games are in normal skills bracket

                                                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                                                Good: Very high games on unranked
                                                                                                Bad: Few games, smurf? why?


                                                                                                  G- ur top 3 hero have nice win rate with a nice KDA
                                                                                                  B- rank win rate is below 50%


                                                                                                    G: Consistently VHS games, solid high win rate and kda with all the most played heroes
                                                                                                    B: Lost 1h30 Doom game, and 12 games losing streak... holy...

                                                                                                    @Sinatra, what a panda player... i'll watch your ember replays, i play ember since forever =p 3 days sequentially playing all the time when he launched in DotA at xmas in 2012 if I record well ^^


                                                                                                      good:got some supports in most played.
