General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: dat invoking
    Bad: loss streak??


      Good: Has Friends to Stack with
      Bad: Gotta get out of Normal tier / Lacks CSing in games


        Good: Morphling KDA
        Bad: Bounty hunter win rate worse than mine xD


          Good: 80 denies on sniper.
          Bad: Having sniper and drow as your most successful heroes.


            @njt7, #ThugLyfe #PubStomping (wrt. Drow and Sniper pwnage)

            Good: Win-rates and game impact on most of your top7 heroes
            Bad: Has not adjusted to current meta, win-rate mostly trending down since latest patch

            Bonus good: Instantaneous win-rate still above current account average, indicating improvement


              Good: Lots of roles in your most played.

              Bad: Made Axe die 21 times.

              Tight dota player

                Good: Plays support. Seems to mostly solo queue.

                Bad: Buys lothar's on supports.

                Ples Mercy

                  Good: players alot of visage (gud hero, luv him)
                  Bad: Doesnt rly play anything else :'D


                    Good: micro skills support

                    Bad: Need to branch out to more hero choices

                    bonjour, gentlemen

                      Good: Impressive wisp player,very nice nyx.

                      Bad: Below average offlaner, has trouble playing the squishier/harder supports.


                        Good: Plays Storm Spirit very well.

                        Bad: High KDA but win rate is slightly lower.


                          Good: vast top hero pool
                          Bad: just normal skillbracket :/


                            Good:Nice Broodmother skills.
                            Bad: Dagon on Brood...?


                              Troll picker
                              Fail storm

                              Ples Mercy

                                Good: Ok winrate
                                Bad: Failstealer


                                  good: crap load of games
                                  Bad: spirit breaker in topplayed


                                    Good: I love your top 3 favourite heroes. They break... anyone.
                                    Bad: You lost your last game with Balanar (15-10-20) despite playing well.

                                    ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                      gd: u can win and feed at the same time
                                      bad: ur comment, doesn't make sense, "despite playing well"

                                      PS. I borrowed this account, don't look at winrate, KDA's, just look at last 1-2 months games..

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        Gud: >50 winrate
                                        bad: makes a ps noone cares about


                                          Good: 1k exp/m with the best hero.
                                          Bad: SB picker

                                          World Emperor

                                            Good:>50 winrate
                                            Bad: bad voker :3, not rly good pudge (compare to me :")

                                            Feeder Chan

                                              Good: Lastest Real matches are wins
                                              Bad: Primary pudge picker and has low KDA with him.


                                                Good: that TA. teach me masta
                                                bad: picks press R win game

                                                ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                                  Many supports at top list
                                                  Picks DR :P

                                                  COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                                    good: sand king

                                                    bad: invoker, also picks naix.


                                                      ^Vast heroes pool with good performance
                                                      however less than 50% WR in general


                                                        good: nice win%
                                                        bad : no games


                                                          good: nice winrate
                                                          bad: abuses a little and i have a better version of your titlepic on facebook


                                                            Good: Broodmother, don't get to see her often.
                                                            Bad: Low wins so I assume a smurf? To each their own I guess.


                                                              Good: Undying, nice to see some1 is playing him that much
                                                              Bad: Meepo KDA and win %


                                                                good >1000games >50%
                                                                bad: your topplayed heroes are somewhat horrible to me (don't like them all except naix)


                                                                  Good: Record gpm 998
                                                                  Bad: Record gpm 998... T_T so close


                                                                    Good: 11k damage on towers record.

                                                                    Bad: Your most played heroes make a weird combination of beautiful ladies and hideous freaks.


                                                                      Good: Clearly loves to help his team with his most popular hero being Crystal Maiden - Selfless

                                                                      Bad: Only played Anti-Mage once? Come on dude...


                                                                        Good: must be a PL beast

                                                                        Bad: that anti mage


                                                                          GREAT POTM :))


                                                                            Good: Holy cow, look at that Ursa stats. Probably #1 or #2 with that KDA and win rate.

                                                                            Bad: Your avatar is too small to see

                                                                            On a side note, I wanted to be the 1000th reply, but I missed.

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                              Good: good and famous invoker player and looks to be a nice guy
                                                                              Bad: doesn't play nearly as well with most other heroes

                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                              Airi ♥

                                                                                good: that tinker FTW, very good player overall (micro-wise), splendid records
                                                                                bad: not an AM player myself, but that wr on AM is low, probably realized that vanguard wasnt the way to go!


                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                Feeder Chan

                                                                                  Good: Plays lots of support
                                                                                  Bad: Likes to stack and doesn't have a higher win rate.


                                                                                    Good: Good winrates with your mid heroes

                                                                                    Bad: That Lion.

                                                                                    Proud Boi

                                                                                      Good: Plays support <3 decent winrate.

                                                                                      Bad: Only 1 Jugger game.. :'(


                                                                                        good: w/r, records
                                                                                        bad: only 3 cm games ;)
                                                                                        haters gonna hate, keep playin jugger

                                                                                        all muted <3

                                                                                          good : a good suport player currently on 9 winning streak ! contratz
                                                                                          bad : low gpm even when play carries/mid :/


                                                                                            Good: Has a pretty good consistent Tinker
                                                                                            Bad: Went from about 62% w/l a month ago to about 50% :(


                                                                                              Good: Good winrate with Invoker

                                                                                              Bad: Wheter you lose or win, you die a lot. Towerdiving madness?


                                                                                                nice warlock!!


                                                                                                  Good : Solid Ursa
                                                                                                  Bad: would suggest more all random/single draft and diversify your hero experience


                                                                                                    Good: necro WR
                                                                                                    bad: kunka lol


                                                                                                      Good: a dedicated support player, nice KDA on tree.
                                                                                                      Bad: terribad sand king (20 deaths record :O)

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