General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    G: Sven as most played hero - not the usual one
    B: Very few ranked games comparing to matches in NMM


      G: timbersaw is one of the least cancer heroes to spam and he has a good winrate
      B: Plays on Russia server


        Nice Weavo KDA and Riki Denies
        "But I hadn't spawned yet" picker

        Optimus Drip

          G: support player.

          B: im guessing you are just bad at carrying based on your low winrate heroes? idk you seem pretty darn good at supporting


            + : 58% winrate in ranked queue
            - : normal skill bracket

            Bad Intentions

              Overall win rate and kdas are good

              But youre playing in the minor leagues, come to SEA and test your skillz

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                + 1.11 assists/min

                - 15 denies record???? And Ursa spam.

                Bad Intentions

                  Good TA player effective mid? Works well in EU west
                  But your top hero is one of the easiest to counter

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    ^Add me on Steam please.
                    [skip me]

                    Night 夜

                      + only 2 losses on the frontpage, nice venomancer stats
                      - holy hell, the hero spam is strong in this one. Also, way too many Shadowblades for my taste.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        62 on PA, but how? Thats a nice wr
                        Zeus fun hero for most damage record... zzz -_-' lol

                        Yare Yare Daze

                          play more sk and viper

                          Stop playing wr

                          fuck valorant

                            G: nice winrate you got going there
                            B: Seem to be mostly a support player considering your mid hero winrates, ta and storm :(


                              G: Your Spectre and Windrunner
                              B: Why only unranked All Pick games?


                                G: Great winrates overall on most top heroes. Some of which are supports, which is good to see.
                                B: Not sure if I should commend you for having such a high winrate with dirge, or hate you for picking him. Lmao

                                fuck valorant

                                  @WiiksLambda aha i basically only play dota with my friends and I cant stack with them in ranked due to mmr difference :P

                                  Bad Intentions

                                    i like you to be the ss in my team

                                    but the thing is..

                                    youre still in the normal ranked stage..

                                    dont worry though, youll easily climb your way to the top



                                      G: thats some weaver
                                      B: very average kdas otherwise on top heroes

                                      B. Kiddo

                                        @full tilt enganged

                                        G: that's an impressive WR% if this is the only account
                                        B: 74%WR in Furion with 2.11KD means you are a filthy RAT


                                          it is an only acc

                                          Linda | DotaExchange

                                            G : Nice troll KDA
                                            B : Don't play WK :p


                                              G: VHS
                                              B: smurf


                                                G: High KDA Rate with Invoker

                                                B: Normal Skill Bracket

                                                [DFG] Whale King

                                                  G: Switching up your hero pool with that recent necro pool :D
                                                  B: 40% winrate in Russia


                                                    G: positive winrates on sll the 8 most played heroes, impressive KDA on Storm Spirit
                                                    B: "nice" dire winrate (similar to what I have btw)

                                                    I'm prob high

                                                      G: timbersawww

                                                      b: invoker win rate/ and he is a towel

                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                        good: avg kdas are good, in this rate youll be in hs soon
                                                        bad: still in normal youll get out of it soon

                                                        Night 夜

                                                          + your winrate, gpm and xpm keep going up
                                                          - 15 denies record, still on that ursa train :D

                                                          btw "Zeus fun hero for most damage record... zzz -_-' lol"

                                                          It's on Spectre now ;)


                                                            Hard Carry Win rate is nice
                                                            Lost longest game :(


                                                              G: Support PLayer and nice winrates with them.

                                                              B: 15 games on AM & 13.33 % WR :D


                                                                G: Overall winrate, Good KDA and winrate with your top heroes
                                                                B: I'm a little biased towards Invoker, so bad winrate with Invoker :(

                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                  G: Good impact on invo and playing in a mans server.
                                                                  B: youre still in a green rank, but on your way up.


                                                                    G: 5.48 KDA with Spec :O AWESOME! Excellent KDAs overall, considering your skill bracket
                                                                    B: 66 games with Riki :P

                                                                    bum farto

                                                                      G: Some good winrates, and KDA's on top heroes.
                                                                      B: Despite all that you're still in Normal Skill :(


                                                                        G: thats a LOT of doom and axe
                                                                        B: that drow tho

                                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                                          i see good kdas on top heroes.

                                                                          but youre still on your way up the ladder, just keep up the good work.


                                                                            G: seems like you like Ursa. Got 200-300 MMR up in a matter of days with him
                                                                            B: I've checked 4 of your Ursa matches, and it seems you are having pretty low impact with him in terms of HD.


                                                                              G: Nice impact with SF, 8000+ kills in 654 matches is great
                                                                              B: < 50% overall winrate, although that's not so bad :P


                                                                                G: good kda
                                                                                B: winrate can get better

                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                  G: i see a lot of green dots on your activity, good work.
                                                                                  B: Youre still on the early stages but youll get up there soon.

                                                                                  Optimus Drip

                                                                                    G:you impressed me
                                                                                    B: on how much you feed

                                                                                    actual G: good winrates :D


                                                                                      G: Good bloodseeker at VHS
                                                                                      B: plays blood the most, and ursa 10 games in a row

                                                                                      EDIT: That was for Bad Intentions, my bad.

                                                                                      G: Axe WR
                                                                                      B: axe picker

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                        G: some techies you got going out there
                                                                                        B: veeery low wr


                                                                                          G: dire winrate > radiant winrate, which is very unusual
                                                                                          B: braza injoker, KDAs


                                                                                            are my posts not being seen or smth second time now


                                                                                              I was sure I opened your profile, I'm sorry

                                                                                              G: NP and Troll Warlord, winrate in ranked
                                                                                              B: Enigma, some KDAs

                                                                                              Optimus Drip

                                                                                                G: as much as i hate timbersaw, im impressed when he is most played/succesful hero

                                                                                                B:invoker, i feel ya brah


                                                                                                  haha no was honestly asking, was happening quite a bit so I was thinking somethings wrong on my end oO but thanks


                                                                                                    nah, it was probably my ipad's error - sometimes it just randomly goes up or down the page right before I click something, and I don't notice it.