General Discussion

General DiscussionMushi solo way better than dendi

Mushi solo way better than dendi in General Discussion

    Look at that. Both lane skills and strategies !


      Necro >>> Dagon...Dendi far better cs, gets FB....Mushi still wins easily with superior item build.


        Mushi tricked dendi, he got staff and null, so dendi thought he is going dagon.
        After dendi got fb, and mushi buy back, dendi grow into over confident and eventually lost it lol

        tveni tveni

          the puck game was surprising

          the WR game dendi didnt have far better CS, it was pretty even even later on and dendi had a like 20 dmg advantage since the moment he got phase so it should've been more drastic

          also tranquils are far better than phase, it could show that mushi was full 90% of the time and dendi wasnt close to killing him even with dagon 3-4

          taking stats instead of 3 levels of useless focus fire plus the str from necro also made mushi too hard to kill in comparison to dendi

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            1v1's doesn't mean anything rofl..

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Lol they do. They don't necessarily mean that you are a better but winning 1v1 means you will beat him in mid lane in a pro game.


                It doesn't exactly mean that. These are mirror matches which never occur in real games. 1 v 1 mid certainly never goes on for 20-30 minutes like some of these matches have done.

                I think it shows that Mushi is at better at 1 v 1 mirror matches...or at least he was yesterday. I doubt these 1 v 1 games would be consistently won by the same players if they ran them every week. The difference between Mushi and Dendi solo mid skill is tiny. When you have a 1 v 1 game where one player is much better than the other they are over quickly. The better player will see that he has the advantage right away and press for the kill...usually getting it, but sometimes overextending.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  mushi sucks he lost with 30 cs advantage versus xiao8 as od

                  oh and dendi was biggest disapointment of the year

                  lina game vs fata crushed so fucking hard fata 60% hp going to fog upper ground vs dd enemy and sitll gets away with a kill(dendi with rune)

                  2nd game with gyro dendi wins only cuz of rune even tho he get outcsed in lane

                  3rd game agan he wins sf only because of that 2 minute dd rune

                  stupid rules with bottlecrowing and runes dendi should have been eliminated in first round by fata

                  same for mushi vs xiao8

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                  My computer is shit

                    lol^ did you actually watch the games? . dendi was already up 8+cs b4 the dd rune in g3. and was winning in cs by 15+ in the gyro game.

                    Autism is great

                      no great supports no dendi


                        About who was going to win the solo. There's a vote on a Chinese forum, 90% voted for mushi win. :D
                        Yea, if you watched how mushi solo kill 430 like a scrub, you know the drill.