General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat role am i best at?

What role am i best at? in General Discussion
Organic Mechanic

    I'm trying to find my niche. I've played a lot of games most as a support but i don't know if I'm good at it. Game impact seems to state otherwise but I'm not even sure what Game Impact measures. If some of you could look through my profile and help set me on a good path I would be appreciative.


      your stats for many supports are good, looks like you like people who have strong push or counter push as well. it doesnt really seem like you need anyone else to tell you what to play.

      you do seem to have a lot of trouble with gankers, you should work on that especially to help your performance as a support.


        It looks like you do gravitate toward support heroes. You have played far more on heroes that fit the support role. But if you are not happy doing that, then you should certainly learn something else...however.

        Your game impact is really quite good on many of the support heroes you play most often.

        When you consider the game impact, compare it to the average for the hero. Some heroes get very low KDA and have a large impact on the game. Lets consider 3 heroes you tend to play. It seems that you are playing a fair number of games in High bracket so lets compare to Platinum level stats.

        VS KDA 3.28 54.67% win
        Platinum KDA 2.35 54.21% win

        SD KDA 3.01 57.14% win
        Platinum KDA 1.88 44.2% win

        CM KDA 2.92 52.5% win
        Platinum KDA 2.07 54.03% win

        This suggests to me that you really are fairly good at support, but don't stack much. Naturally you will have higher KDA's on carry heroes. But if you can manage a 4.53 KDA and go 15-8 on Jakiro that's really very good. If you enjoy playing supports you should keep doing it. Maybe you just need to find better players to support. I'm not saying to stop playing with the friends you have now, but you might want to add others if you want to play some higher level games where your support moves will be more valuable.

        Try to expand your friends list. Look for carry players who are [1] good at farming. [2] make smart target selections in fights [3] don't get tunnel vision and leave support behind to dive for a kill...and [4] stop farming and hit towers and rax when they are vulnerable. These are the sort of players that you will be happy to support, who will appreciate what you do...and you will win more games....and also get to play in higher level games against better players.

        I recommend also learning what good support players do throughout the game by picking a good support player and watching them. See what items do they get in anticipation of things that will happen 2 minutes from now. See where they go and what paths they take. Figure out why they placed a ward where and when they did it. Good supports do not do anything without a specific goal in response to a specific game situation.

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          yeah, as a support player would also mostly suggest just learning better ward placement, pull through stacking and alternate stack points. even rune-ward placement is really situational and its good to learn the flow of warding.


            carry everone is best at carry