General Discussion

General Discussion[RECRUIT] New DotA Team recruiting players

[RECRUIT] New DotA Team recruiting players in General Discussion

    Hi, i am Jan from Germany. I am 18 years old and I play Dota 2 since the early beta after playing wc dota and HoN and i love anime and Pc games. Me and my mate pewpewexi (check him out on dotabuff, too. if you want) are planing to build up a new Eu west/east advanced dota team. We already have have a Team Speak server for the team.
    If you are interested check up if you fulfill this requirements:

    -Speak decent English
    -Team Speak
    -Willingness to learn and improve
    -Wins: 400+ (not necessary)
    -games should be rated as high better very high
    -paying schedule 8+ pm (CEST)
    -Age: 16+
    -Region: eu east/west
    Roles aren't set in stone now

    don't see this requirements too strict if we really fit we will see in a test game :)

    Please Fill out the application in this formatif you are interested.

    Sample Application:
    Name: Ted
    In-game Name: Supurinta
    Age: 18
    Region: Sweden
    Wins: 240+
    Preferred Roles: Carry / Ganker / Solo
    Experience: I've played dota 1 and switched to HoN back in beta and have been playing it religiously until dota 2 came out.
    Favorite Heroes: Rubick, Brewmaster, Morphling
    Steam Profile: put your profile here, if we choose you we will add you in steam

    Copy-Paste Application:

    In-game Name:
    Preferred Role:
    Favorite Heroes:
    Steam Profile:

    Have fun applying and Feel free to ask any questions!

    Penis Monkey

      Your most recent game was the in the High bracket, the game before that was Normal. You are demanding that applicants are Very High? Perhaps you should get there yourself.


        your judge shows me that you have no clue about the match making system. I am talking about being "Very High" when you play alone. If you play with beginners (real life mates) that game cant be rated very high. And when i play alone i am always rated very high.

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          Moreover i said it is not necessary. but i can understand your hate after 8 loses in a row ;)

          Този коментар е бил редактиран
          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Dude. You don't have a TP on you in NONE of your games. Vanguard Spectre Vanguard Viper Vanguard Axe. That item is terrible. AC on support VS. Clock with Vanguard before Boots. Do you really think you are that good to have that application form?

            Penis Monkey

              Man, one of those games was a solo queue so don't even try and bullshit me. And no need to comment on losses and shit when you compare out overall win %s is there now.

              Този коментар е бил редактиран
              add my 2nd ******* (Unesc...

                i would play with ur firend but not with u
                u kinda the reason why he is losing , just guessing :P


                  That are pub-games after all. "Clock with Vanguard before Boots" when the heck should that have happened? "AC on support" that game was 100% won and i got the gold to buy it in one shot. so why the heck not? and i saw application forms like that from way worse dota players and it was a success. really not getting your point...


                    @No_NeeeeD he might be slightly better :P but its really not that big deal

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      And I'm not getting your point when you are actually looking for people that are way better than you.


                        and guys if you are shocked by my first game page look at the second and 3rd. had a bad time the last days...


                          @S[A]m Fuckin' Peckinpah: i am not doing that... where did i require something that needs em to be better than me?

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Carrying a TP is kind of a must in pro games and I still don't understand how didn't you make a habit of this even though you want to have a team and play on "very high". And all your games all random and captain's mode. And what are you even planning to play? Other than Lifestealer your top heroes are non-existent in pro games these days and since you don't play ap at all I don't think there is a hero you are expert with.
                            My analyzes on your item builds might not be accurate but you really have no answer to them other than the AC VS one.

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              Classic 18 years old shit. Expects more of people than what they can offer themselves. Lol @ Competitive Experience necessary.

                              Go away.


                                i am not going to found a pro team. I always have a tp in my inventory if i have the slots and except off meepo and inoker there is no char i cant play decent. with your 1000+ wins you seem to be more advanced but i did not recruit you after all


                                  dota community <3


                                    BTW you would have to pay me to play with you, and I'm pretty certain the same is true for S[A]m or pretty much anyone who read this thread. :-)

                                    The problem here is not the fact that you're trying to recruit players, but that you expect a lot more from them than you can offer.


                                      having no tp at the end off a game profs you dont buy em

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                        and again mango where did I do that: "you expect a lot more from them than you can offer" tell me one request in my post i cant offer

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          You edited your post, genius

                                          ohoh look, I can edit my post too! And edit out stuff and then make people quote me on them!!1one

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            Name: Valente
                                            In-game Name: valentefdz
                                            Age: 17
                                            Region: North mexico, so I have nice ping in us servers
                                            Wins: 478
                                            Preferred Role: Mid, off laner, carry, support roamer, anything but a hard support like wisp that was to stay with someone 24/7
                                            Experience: Been playing dota2 for about a year, a lot, at least 2 games daily but often much more, about to get to the 1000 games and 1000 hours played in dota. Also a crappy league of leyends player.
                                            Favorite Heroes: Leshrac, puck, alchemist, antimage, timbersaw, clockwork, kunkka and ursa.
                                            Goal: See how people that have 1000 games more than me play, to get better.
                                            Steam Profile:


                                              @valentefdz ty for applying would love to have some test games. but as i wrote we are an eu east/west team we will have to look if you have troubles with your ping...


                                                @mango if you mean that competitive thing it was my mistake i kinda translated it wrong and didn't mean it that strict


                                                  At first I thought that you guys watched the replays of OPs matches to judge that he didnt have tp throughout the game. Then I realized ure judging him base on the items at the end of the match. Srsly? I usually don't have tps at the end of matches lol. Just saying.


                                                    still looking for one more :)


                                                      Hey there. I'm sakis and i am 21 years old. i've been playing dota 1 for 5 full years on and off and dota 2 since release. i really want to quit public gaming and want to play some serious games. I can handle every role and i can play about 85% of total characters with decent behavior. i'd be really glad if u contact with me. thank you in advance

                                                      Monotheists Creed

                                                        In-game Name:Lee-
                                                        Preferred Role:1-2-5
                                                        Experience:5 years dota 1 and 2 years of dota 2
                                                        Favorite Heroes:invoker,storm,shadow demon,destroyer
                                                        Steam Profile:


                                                          I dont see what everyone is complaining about, OP doesnt seem that bad...


                                                            are you creativity from dotacash? goron's friend?


                                                              who the fuck bumps this stuff?


                                                                Name: Vit
                                                                In-game Name: Arthas90
                                                                Age: 23
                                                                Region: Czech republic
                                                                Wins: 300+
                                                                Preferred Role: Supports or tanky heroes
                                                                Experience: over year in dota 2
                                                                Favorite Heroes: Warlock, Windrunner, Axe, Lich, Silencer
                                                                Steam Profile:


                                                                  Name : Arlind
                                                                  In-game Name : Gamer4life
                                                                  Age: 16
                                                                  Region : Kosova
                                                                  Wins : 170+
                                                                  Preferred Role:Hard carry , jungler , support
                                                                  Experience : over 4 years dota 1 and 1 year dota 2
                                                                  Favorite heroes : Windrunner ,axe,Phantom Assasin, Pudge...
                                                                  Steam Profile:

                                                                  Captain Pugwash

                                                                    Name: luke
                                                                    In-game Name: snowsnowsnow / snowyy
                                                                    Age: 19
                                                                    Region: UK
                                                                    Wins: 620+
                                                                    Preferred Role: carry / solo mid
                                                                    Experience: 1 yearr / 1.3k hours
                                                                    Favorite Heroes: meepo, anti mage, lifestealer, ursa, weaver, natures
                                                                    Steam Profile:

                                                                    SinnER v2.0

                                                                      Name: saif ali
                                                                      In-game Name: mohsin_samuru/boobs seeker
                                                                      Age: 19
                                                                      Region: SEA
                                                                      Wins: 1399+
                                                                      Preferred Role: carry /only carry*damn good at it)
                                                                      Experience: 3 years / 3k+ hours
                                                                      Favorite Heroes: anti mage, lifestealer, weaver
                                                                      Steam Profile:

                                                                      trust me on this, i got some previous experience too with pro games(more or less locals) and with perfect team i am unstoppable....
                                                                      contact me if you wish and i bet ill make it worth your while
                                                                      i recently left my previous clan cause they sucked...and dota is like my only passion and the only thing m good atleast 7 games a day or else i feel like 'suffocation' :D
                                                                      u know what i mean....

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!