General Discussion

General Discussion[SEA] High skilled Guild looking for players, read info inside

[SEA] High skilled Guild looking for players, read info inside in General Discussion
`b U u

    What am I looking for ?

    - Friendly players that play well in team environment
    - Strictly no ragers, players that'll be able to put up with others
    - Committed players, willing to put in effort towards building the community

    Goals of the Guild :

    - To have a small community where solo queue players can party up with one another
    - to build up trust within the guild
    - to have teams within the guild to join small online tournaments

    Requirements :

    -at least 400+ wins ( in order to keep the standard within the guild )
    -must be consistently playing in the high/v.high bracket
    -knows each and every roles in dota 2 (improvements will come along)
    -must be able to speak in English

    just add me up if interested :

    Once Invited :

    - kindly read the info tab to avoid confusion
    - dont be shy in asking for parties
    - be fun and keep the level of the guild above average

    Currently we have 44 members who met those requirements and belong consistently to high/v.high bracket. Come join us to have
    a better and bigger guild.

    Since the guild is quite big now, ill have to increase the standards within the guild which means before you can apply you must have :

    - at least 400 wins
    - consistenly plays in high/very high bracket
    - win rate doesn't matter as long as the 2 criteria above is accomplished :)

    tough coockie

      add me :D i play solo queue mostly

      `b U u

        sorry but you play in normal/high bracket, cant accept you as of now

        tough coockie

          oh ok maybe you shouldve change :D
          must be consistently playing in the v.high bracket

          `b U u

            sorry but i found some of your games to be at normal bracket and somewhat im unsure about you. No hard feelings though


              can i join?


                Judging by the comments on this thread, why not make the requirement: not play many normal games in last month?


                  I added you

                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                    L> high skilled player
                    pl picker

                    `b U u

                      bump !
                      i see nothing wrong in picking your favorite hero in the game -.- and wow for that if being a pl picker determines your skill level
                      clap clap :D

                      currently we have 22 players and looking for more :)

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                      Ming (Zufälliger König)

                        pl pickers die in sh[A]me

                        `b U u

                          27 ppl and looking for more people to play with :D


                            Hi, i'm interested. eligible?


                              Add up :D Getting consistent vhigh when solo queuing lately. Flexible in roles.

                              itachi uchiha

                                Add me :)


                                  add me :)

                                  I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST

                                    Sorry Aoki, some of your games are in normal bracket. I cant afford your low-level plays to ruin my high level games. Sorry

                                    Uzy wUzy

                                      hey i added you id love to play :)


                                        add me, in high with around 6-700 wins i think

                                        `b U u

                                          bump ! added players who met the requirements and feel free to add me
                                          currently we have a mix of 34 high/very high members

                                          bukah bukah

                                            add me

                                            mostly queuing high bracket

                                            `b U u


                                              Jay Xax

                                                add me

                                                `b U u

                                                  What am I looking for ?

                                                  - Friendly players that play well in team environment
                                                  - Strictly no ragers, players that'll be able to put up with others
                                                  - Committed players, willing to put in effort towards building the community

                                                  Goals of the Guild :

                                                  - To have a small community where solo queue players can party up with one another
                                                  - to build up trust within the guild
                                                  - to have teams within the guild to join small online tournaments

                                                  Requirements :

                                                  -at least 400+ wins ( in order to keep the standard within the guild )
                                                  -must be consistently playing in the high/v.high bracket
                                                  -knows each and every roles in dota 2 (improvements will come along)
                                                  -must be able to speak in English

                                                  just add me up if interested :

                                                  Once Invited :

                                                  - kindly read the info tab to avoid confusion
                                                  - dont be shy in asking for parties
                                                  - be fun and keep the level of the guild above average

                                                  Currently we have 44 members who met those requirements and belong consistently to high/v.high bracket. Come join us to have
                                                  a better and bigger guild.

                                                  Since the guild is quite big now, ill have to increase the standards within the guild which means before you can apply you must have :

                                                  - at least 400 wins
                                                  - consistenly plays in high/very high bracket
                                                  - win rate doesn't matter as long as the 2 criteria above is accomplished :)


                                                    LET ME IN !

                                                    `b U u



                                                        can i join? i still dont have 400+ wins though

                                                          Този коментар е изтрит

                                                            This is my third account I have more than 400 wins totally. and play in high currently. add mew?

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                              hmm not sure what you mean at v.bracket and high almost new here do you mind if you check mine :D


                                                                Hi, can you check my dota profile if im qualified or so? be happy to hear from you

                                                                `b U u

                                                                  added players who met the requirements :D


                                                                    Add me :<


                                                                      hello! i've sent request to add you to my freinds. I'm constantly playing very high skill (95% of mathces)


                                                                        add me

                                                                        `b U u

                                                                          Since the guild is quite big now, ill have to increase the standards within the guild which means before you can apply you must have :

                                                                          - at least 400 wins
                                                                          - consistenly plays in high/very high bracket
                                                                          - win rate doesn't matter as long as the 2 criteria above is accomplished

                                                                          Currently we have 61 high / very high skilled members :)

                                                                          Reminder : Do not join if you have the mind set of the guild members carrying you to victory :|


                                                                            Can you add me?

                                                                            Caroline Grace Winkler

                                                                              add mе =)


                                                                                do you accept players who try heroes that is unfamiliar to them in the party ?


                                                                                  I play on very high skill bracket and I'm sorry, you are too noob for me :D


                                                                                    add me=.=


                                                                                      Why the fuck would you copy my name and also make it look bad huh OP?


                                                                                        ^Lol both of you are on my friend list, Thought you are the same person.


                                                                                          add me


                                                                                            add me up!


                                                                                              add me pls

                                                                                              Cpt. Snow

                                                                                                I would like to join if you approve of me, of course :).


                                                                                                  admin, can i join ur guild?
                                                                                                  i just dont have enough win, but overall i am a good player
                                                                                                  please! :D

                                                                                                  `b U u

                                                                                                    just keep adding me guys, ill be able to invite qualified players into the guild by this weekend

                                                                                                    Cpt. Snow

                                                                                                      Sounds good :).Unfortunatelly I think we can't see the skill brackets anymore since the new patch arrived :(.What so ever, you can check some of my games before the patch.I've been playing in high skill bracket for quite some time, even v.high sometimes when I play with high skilled friends :D.